County Council9 matters
- Agenda ReadyMinutes
- Agenda ReadyAgenda LetterProposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation (recommended at the 01/21/2025 General Assembly Committee meeting).
- Delegation Position Letter_Week 1-21-25Open Delegation Position Letter_Week 1-21-25
- Agenda ReadyBriefingSNOW REMOVAL OPERATIONS Michael Johnson, Director, DPW&T Stacey Smalls, Deputy Director, DPW&T Oluseyi Olugbenle, Deputy Director, DPW&T
- DPWT Council Briefing Presentation - Snow OperationsOpen DPWT Council Briefing Presentation - Snow Operations
- Presentation and referralCouncil BillAN ACT CONCERNING WATERCRAFT PARKED ON COUNTY ROADS for the purpose of prohibiting the parking of watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way within the County; to establish fines and penalties for parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way in the County; to permit the towing and impounding of any personally-owned watercraft after a certain number of violations; and generally relating to the prohibition of parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights-of-way in Prince George’s County.
- B2025002Open B2025002
- CB-002-2025 SummaryOpen CB-002-2025 Summary
- Agenda ReadyAgenda LetterProposed letter to the Honorable Tara H. Jackson, Acting County Executive, transmitting the Prince George’s County Council’s appointments to the Police Accountability Board.
- Police Accountability Board Appointments LetterOpen Police Accountability Board Appointments Letter
- Agenda ReadyAgenda LetterProposed letter to the Honorable Tara H. Jackson, Acting County Executive, transmitting the County Council's appointment to the County’s Spending Affordability Committee.
- Spending Affordability Committee Appointments LetterOpen Spending Affordability Committee Appointments Letter
- Agenda ReadyAgenda LetterProposed letter to the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), supporting Maryland Transit Administration’s Application for the Regional Infrastructure Accelerator Grant.
- Maryland Area Rail Infrastructure Accelerator LetterOpen Maryland Area Rail Infrastructure Accelerator Letter