Board Of Supervisors72 matters
- Consent CalendarRecommendationMultifamily Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds or Notes for Development in Unincorporated El Camino Village Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign a resolution authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of tax-exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds or Notes (Bonds) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $29,956,974, to finance the site acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, or development of Toyon Gardens, an affordable 78-unit multifamily rental housing development located at 3127 West 147th Street in unincorporated El Camino Village (2); authorize the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority to negotiate, execute, and if necessary, amend or terminate all related documents and take all necessary actions for the issuance, sale, and delivery of the Bonds; and find that adoption of the resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. ADOPT (Relates to Agenda No. 34)
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationItems not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred to staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board, or matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (2)
- Consent CalendarRecommendationRecommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or otherwise modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes, consistent with the Los Angeles County Code.
- Consent CalendarRecommendationAppointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts Recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for Commissions/Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments): Documents on file in the Executive Office. Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza, and Charles Nelson, Aviation Commission Marjorie Gilberg+, Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission David Marshall+, Hospitals and Health Care Delivery Commission Thomas J. Roache+, and Jaqueline Sandoval-Valenzuela+, Los Angeles County Behavioral Health Commission Judith Frank+, Los Angeles County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation Scott Mann+, Los Angeles County Commission on Insurance Scott Svonkin+, Los Angeles County Commission on Insurance; also waive limitation of service requirement pursuant to County Code section 3.35.030B John Emmons, Los Angeles County Veterans’ Advisory Commission Amy Perkins, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Kurt Cabrera-Miller+, Parks and Recreation Commission William Brett Parent+, Quality and Productivity Commission Pamela O’Connor+, Regional Planning Commission Supervisor Janice Hahn Mike Laughlin+, Artesia Cemetery District Supervisor Kathryn Barger Sara M. Vasquez+, Business License Commission; also waive limitation of length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section 3.100.030A
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationChief Executive Officer’s Risk Management Annual Report Chief Executive Officer’s Risk Management Annual report for Fiscal Year 2023-24.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- ReportOpen Report
- Consent CalendarRecommendationRecommendation to Continue Proclaimed Local Emergencies Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign ten resolutions to continue the proclaimed local emergencies for the Fruit Fly Infestation proclaimed May 10, 1990; Homelessness proclaimed January 10, 2023; Severe Winter Storms proclaimed January 10, 2023; Frigid Winter Storms proclaimed March 1, 2023; Tropical Storm Hilary proclaimed August 20, 2023; Winter Storms proclaimed February 4, 2024; Bridge Fire proclaimed September 10, 2024; Franklin Fire proclaimed December 10, 2024; Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall proclaimed December 17, 2024; and the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events proclaimed January 7, 2025.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationRelocation Reimbursement for Chief Deputy Director, Department of Internal Services Recommendation: Approve reimbursement of up to $10,000 for reasonable actual relocation costs for Mr. Quintin Haynes, to serve as the Chief Deputy Director for the Department of Internal Services.
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationInformation and Referral Program Services Agreement Amendment Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute an agreement amendment between the County and 211 LA County to increase the Aging and Disabilities Department’s Special Program amount by $85,786 for a total contract amount of $52,792,211, to handle calls forwarded from the Adult Protective Services Central Intake line (888-202-4248), which will expire on June 30, 2025; and execute amendments that do not exceed more than a 10% increase or decrease in the total contract amount, if such amendments are required for additional services, changes in Federal, State, and County requirements, or temporary specialized projects.
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationAnnual Litigation Cost Report Annual report by County Counsel on the Litigation Cost Report for Fiscal Year 2023-24.
- ReportOpen Report
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationFire Station 83 Underground Piping Replacement Project Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Fire Station 83 Underground Piping Replacement Project, Capital Project (CP) No. 89103 with a total project budget of $397,000 (4); approve an appropriation adjustment to transfer $197,000 from Lake Hughes Forestry Office Replacement, CP No. 69359; $100,000 from Fire Station 86 Glendora New Sewer Connection, CP No. 88998; and $100,000 from Fire Station 77 Modular Building and Apparatus Storage Barn, CP No. 89101 to the Fire Station 83 Underground Piping Replacement Project, CP No. 89103; authorize the Director of Internal Services to deliver the Fire Station 83 Underground Piping Replacement Project using a Board-approved Job Order Contract; and find that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Internal Services Department) APPROVE
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationLa Brea Tar Pits Master Plan Project Recommendation: Approve the proposed Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History La Brea Tar Pits Master Plan Refined Alternative 3 Project (Project) (2); certify that the Final Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Project has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the County; find that the Board has reviewed and considered the information in the Final Environmental Impact Report prior to approving the Project; adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), finding that the MMRP is adequately designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during project implementation, including for the Refined Alternative 3 Project; and determine that the significant adverse effects of the Project, including the recommended Project, have either have been reduced to an acceptable level, or are outweighed by the specific overriding considerations of the Project, as outlined in the Environmental Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, which Findings and Statement are adopted and incorporated herein by reference. (Museum of Natural History) ADOPT
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationTally Maintenance and Support Services Contract Recommendation: Authorize the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to execute a contract with Scanner Holdings Corporation to provide election specific Tally Maintenance and Support services, effective March 3, 2025 through March 2, 2030 for an amount of $3,072,400; execute future amendments to extend the contract for two additional one-year and six month-to-month extensions options, from March 3, 2030 through October 2, 2032 for an amount of $1,517,900, increasing the overall total contract amount to $4,590,300, including the extension and optional renewals; negotiate and execute amendments to exercise option terms, make changes to the Statement of Work as operationally necessary, and make any other necessary changes that do not materially alter any term or condition of the contract; increase the total contract amount by no more than 10% for any unforeseen circumstances; and terminate the contract as necessary. (Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk) APPROVE (NOTE: The Chief Information Officer recommends approval of this item.)
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationCanon Cartesion Prime Digital Pet/CT Scanner and Trailer Sole Source Acquisition Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County’s Purchasing Agent, to proceed with the sole source acquisition of the Canon Cartesion Prime Digital PET/CT Scanner and trailer from Canon Medical Systems USA, Inc, for the Department of Health Services’ Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (2) with a total estimated amount of $2,438,000. (Department of Health Services) APPROVE
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationCore HIV Medical Services Contracts Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute two new contracts with the contractors selected under a competitive solicitation process, for Core HIV Medical Services, consisting of Ambulatory Outpatient Medical Services, Medical Care Coordination Services, and Patient Support Services, effective March 1, 2025 through February 29, 2028, for a total maximum amount of $4,105,620, 100% funded by Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Ryan White Program Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.914, California Department of Public Health, Ryan White Program Part B funds, Health Resources and Services Administration Ending the HIV Epidemic funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.686, and existing Departmental resources; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contracts that extend the term through February 28, 2031 at amounts to be determined by the Director, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, rollover unspent funds, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation, update the statement of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract's terms and conditions; Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and/or changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate any contract upon issuing a written notice to contractors who fail to fully comply with contract requirements, and terminate contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationCore HIV Medical Services Contracts Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute 17 new contracts with the contractors selected under a competitive solicitation process, for Core HIV Medical Services, consisting of Ambulatory Outpatient Medical Services, Medical Care Coordination Services, and Patient Support Services, effective March 1, 2025 through February 29, 2028 for a total maximum amount of $48,375,132, 100% funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Ryan White Program (RWP) Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.914, California Department of Public Health, RWP Part B funds, HRSA Ending the HIV Epidemic funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.686, and existing Departmental resources; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contracts that extend the term through February 28, 2031 at amounts to be determined by the Director, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, rollover unspent funds, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation, update the statement of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract's terms and conditions; Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and/or changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate any contract upon issuing a written notice to contractors who fail to fully comply with contract requirements, and terminate contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationAIDS Healthcare Foundation Contract Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute a contract with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, selected under a competitive solicitation process for Core HIV Medical Services, consisting of Ambulatory Outpatient Medical Services, Medical Care Coordination Services, and Patient Support Services, effective March 1, 2025 through February 29, 2028 for a total maximum amount of $12,187,302, 100% funded by Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Ryan White Program (RWP) Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.914, California Department of Public Health, RWP Part B funds, HRSA Ending the HIV Epidemic funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.686, and existing Departmental resources; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contract that extend the term through February 28, 2031, at amounts to be determined by the Director, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, rollover unspent funds, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation, update the statement of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract's terms and conditions; Execute change notices to the contract that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and/or changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate any contract upon issuing a written notice to contractor who fail to fully comply with contract requirements, and terminate contract for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractor.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationTransportation Services Contract Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute a new contract with Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc., selected under a competitive solicitation process for the provision of transportation services for eligible Ryan White Program (RWP) clients in the County, effective March 1, 2025, through February 29, 2028 for a total maximum amount of $523,014, consisting of $174,338 annually for transportation services, 100% funded by Health Resources and Services Administration RWP Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.914; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contract that extend the term through February 28, 2031, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, allow an internal reallocation of funds between budgets, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below each term’s annual base maximum obligation, correct errors in the contracts’ terms and conditions, and/or update the statement of work, as necessary; Execute change notices to the contract that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate any contract upon issuing a written notice to contractors who fail to fully comply with contract requirements and terminate contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationTransportation Services Contracts Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute 16 contracts selected under a competitive solicitation process for the provision of transportation services for eligible Ryan White Program (RWP) clients in the County, effective March 1, 2025, through February 29, 2028 for a total maximum amount of $2,260,758, consisting of $753,586 annually for transportation services, 100% funded by Health Resources and Services Administration RWP Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.914; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contracts that extend the term through February 28, 2031, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, allow an internal reallocation of funds between budgets, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below each term’s annual base maximum obligation, correct errors in the contracts’ terms and conditions, and/or update the statement of work, as necessary; Execute additional contracts during the ensuing period from additional qualified organizations in response to the Request for Applications to provide transportation services for eligible RWP clients in the County; Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate any contract upon issuing a written notice to contractors who fail to fully comply with contract requirements and terminate contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationCessation Capacity Building Learning Collaboratives for Priority Population Contracts Recommendation: Authorize and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute six new contracts, selected under a competitive solicitation process for Cessation Capacity Building Learning Collaboratives for Priority Populations, effective upon date of execution through June 30, 2025 for a total maximum amount of $584,388, 100% funded by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH)/California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) California Healthcare, Research, and Prevention Tax (Proposition 56); and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute two additional new contracts, effective upon date of execution through June 30, 2025, for an estimated total maximum amount of $200,000, 100% funded by the CDPH/CTCP Proposition 56; Execute amendments to the contracts that extend the term through June 30, 2029, at amounts to be determined by the Director, allow the rollover of unspent contract funds, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation, update the scope of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract’s terms and conditions; Execute change notices that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work and/or scope of work, that are within the same scope of services, and/or changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate any contract upon issuing a written notice to contractors who fail to fully comply with contractual requirements, and to terminate contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationHealth Care Program for Children Letter of Allocation Recommendation: Authorize and instruct the Director of Public Health to accept and implement a Letter of Allocation (LOA) from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to support Public Health’s California Children’s Services (CCS) program and the Medical Therapy Units under CCS, in the total amount of $67,708,179 for Fiscal Year 2024-25; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Accept, implement and execute future LOAs, other agreements and/or amendments with DHCS for implementation of the CCS program that are consistent with the requirements of the LOA, to extend the funding term at amounts to be determined by DHCS, and/or provide an increase or decrease in funding; and Accept and implement future amendments that are consistent with the requirements of the LOA referenced above that reflect revisions to the LOA’s terms and conditions and allow for the rollover of unspent funds and/or redirection of funds.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationHIV Care Services Sole Source Contract Amendments Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute 15 sole source HIV care services contract amendments to extend the term through February 28, 2026, at a total maximum amount of $14,841,542, 100% funded by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Ryan White Program (RWP) Part A, Minority AIDS Initiative funds, Assistance Listing No. (ALN) 93.914, HRSA Ending the HIV Epidemic funds, ALN 93.686, California Department of Public Health RWP Part B funds, and Non-Drug Medi-Cal Realignment funds; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contracts that provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation effective upon execution or beginning of applicable funding period, extend the term up to six additional months, as needed, through August 31, 2026, at amounts to be determined by the Director, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, rollover unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor, update the statement of work and/or scope of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract's terms and conditions; Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate the contracts upon issuing a written notice if contractors fail to perform and/or fully comply with contract requirements and terminate the contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationHIV Care Services Sole Source Contract Amendment Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute four sole source HIV care services contract amendments, to extend the term through February 28, 2026, at a total maximum amount of $1,630,361, 100% funded by Health Resources and Services Administration Ryan White Program (RWP) Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.914, California Department of Public Health RWP Part B funds, and Non-Drug Medi-Cal Realignment funds; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contracts that provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation effective upon execution or beginning of applicable funding period, extend the term up to six additional months, as needed, through August 31, 2026, at amounts to be determined by the Director, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, rollover unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor, update the statement of work and/or scope of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract's terms and conditions; Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate the contracts upon issuing a written notice if contractors fail to perform and/or fully comply with contract requirements and terminate the contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationAIDS Healthcare Foundation Sole Source Contract Amendment Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute a sole source amendment to the contract with AIDS Healthcare Foundation to extend the term through February 28, 2026, at a total maximum amount of $350,646, 100% funded by Health Resources and Services Administration Ryan White Program Part A, Assistance Listing No. 93.914; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contract, that provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation effective upon execution or beginning of applicable funding period, extend the term up to six additional months, as needed, through August 31, 2026, at amounts to be determined by the Director, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, rollover unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor, update the statement of work and/or scope of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract's terms and conditions; Execute change notices to the contract that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate the contract upon issuing a written notice if the contractor fails to perform and/or fully comply with contract requirements and terminate the contract for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to the contractor.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationData Management Services Sole Source Contract Amendment Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute a sole source contract amendment with Automated Case Management Systems, Inc., for the provision of data management services for various HIV/STD services contracts, to extend the contract term for 12 months, at an annual maximum amount of $660,000 through February 28, 2026, with an option to extend the term for an additional six months, as needed, through August 31, 2026, contingent upon performance and the availability of funding, and exercised through written notification from the Director to the contractor prior to the end of the contract term, 100% funded by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Ryan White Program Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. (ALN) 93.914, HRSA Ending the HIV Epidemic funds, ALN 93.686 and existing Departmental resources; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE (NOTE: The Chief Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) Execute amendments to the contract that provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum obligation effective upon execution or beginning of applicable funding period, rollover unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor, update the statement of work and/or scope of work, as necessary, and/or correct errors in the contract’s terms and conditions; Execute change notices to the contract that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate the contract upon issuing written notice if contractor fails to perform and/or fully comply with program requirements and terminate the contract for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractor.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationSeptic Tank Systems Repair and Maintenance Services Acquisition Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County’s Purchasing Agent, to proceed with the acquisition of maintenance and repairs services for five septic systems along the Malibu coastline (3) at a total estimated amount of $1,000,000; and find that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Beaches and Harbors). APPROVE
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationCamp Glenn Rockey Security Upgrades Project Construction Project Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Camp Glenn Rockey Security Upgrades Project, Capital Project No. 8A062 (Project), located at 1900 Sycamore Canyon Road, in the City of San Dimas (5), with the total project budget of $3,713,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to transfer $3,713,000 from the Probation Department’s 2011 Realignment Trust Account for Juvenile Probation Camp Funding to the Project, to fully fund the proposed Project; adopt the plans and specifications that are on file with Public Works for construction of the proposed Project, advertise for bids to be received and opened on March 19, 2025; find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT 4-VOTES Execute a consultant services agreement with the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder to prepare a baseline construction schedule for an amount not to exceed $5,000 funded by the Project funds; Determine that a bid is nonresponsive and reject a bid on that basis, award to the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder, waive inconsequential and nonmaterial deficiencies in bid submitted, and determine, in accordance with the applicable contract and bid documents, whether the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder has satisfied all conditions for contract award; Upon determination, award and execute the construction contract to the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder, if the contract can be awarded within the approved total budget, establish the effective date of the contract upon receipt by the Department of Public Works of acceptable performance, payment bonds, and evidence of required contractor insurance, and take all other actions necessary and appropriate to deliver the Project; and Carry out, manage, and deliver the Project on behalf of the Probation Department, award and execute consultant agreements, amendments, and supplements within the same authority and limits delegated to the Director, accept the Project, and release retention upon acceptance in accordance with the authority granted to the Director.
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationJanitorial Services for Various Public Works Field Location Groups Recommendation: Find that janitorial services can be more economically performed by independent contractors than by County employees; award and instruct the Chair to execute three service contracts to Goodwill Industries of Southern California, and one service contract to Lee's Maintenance Service, Inc., for janitorial services, for a period of one-year with four one-year and six month-to-month extension options, for a maximum potential contract terms of 66 months and a maximum potential contract amount of $3,899,564 for Group 1, $2,781,273 for Group 2, $4,039,470 for Group 4; and $3,325,177 for Group 3; authorize the Director of Public Works to exercise the extension options if, in the opinion of the Director, Goodwill Industries of Southern California and Lee's Maintenance Services, Inc., have successfully performed during the previous contract period, and the services are still required; approve and execute amendments to incorporate necessary changes within the scope of work, suspend and/or terminate the contracts for convenience if it is in the best interest of the County to do so, annually increase the contracts’ amount up to an additional 10% of the annual contracts’ amount, which is included in the maximum potential contract amount for unforeseen additional work within the scope of the contracts, if required; and find that the recommended contract work is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationDominguez Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Construction Contract Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County Flood Control District, approve the Dominguez Pump Station Rehabilitation Project (Project) in the City of Long Beach (4) at an estimated construction contract amount between $7,500,000 and $11,250,000; adopt the plans and specifications that are on file with Public Works for the Project; advertise for bids to be received by March 18, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.; find pursuant to State Public Contract Code, Section 3400 (c) (2), that it is necessary to specify designated items by specific brand name in order to match other products in use on a particular public improvement either completed or in the course of completion; find that the proposed Project and related actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Chief Engineer to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT Determine whether the bid of the apparent responsible contractor with the lowest apparent responsive bid is, in fact, responsive and, if not responsive, determine which apparent responsible contractor submitted the lowest responsive bid; Award and execute a construction contract for the Project with the responsible contractor with the lowest responsive bid within or less than the estimated cost range or that exceeds the estimated cost range by no more than 15%, if additional funds have been identified; and Extend the date and time for the receipt of bids, allow substitution of subcontractors and relief of bidders, approve and execute change orders within the same monetary limits delegated to the Director of Public Works, accept the Project upon its final completion, and release retention money withheld.
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationH. Claude Hudson Comprehensive Health Center Urgent Care Remodeling Project Construction Contract Recommendation: Establish and approve the H. Claude Hudson Comprehensive Health Center Urgent Care Remodeling Project (2), Capital Project (CP) No. 8A087 (Project), with a total Project budget of $3,700,000, and the H. Claude Hudson Comprehensive Health Center Urgent Care Remodeling Project - Department of Health Services (DHS), CP No. 8A098, with a total project budget of $3,700,000, for a combined project budget of $7,400,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to transfer $3,700,000 from the obligated fund balance Committed for American Rescue Plan - Enabled Capital Programs, to fund the proposed CP No. 8A087, and $2,500,000 from DHS' Enterprise Fund Committed to the proposed CP No. 8A098; authorize the Director of Public Works to deliver the proposed project using a Board-approved Job Order Contract; and find that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationAssignment of Tariff Rule 20A Funds to the City of Claremont Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works, as an agent of the County, to assign California Public Utilities Commission Tariff Rule 20A work credit allocations, available to the Fifth Supervisorial District, in the total amount of $1,000,000, to the City of Claremont (City) (5) for the City's proposed future undergrounding of overhead utilities on Arrow Highway, in the City of Claremont; and find that the recommended action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationBarry J. Nidorf Secure Youth Track Facility Security and Kitchen Upgrades Project Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Barry J. Nidorf Secure Youth Track Facility Security and Kitchen Upgrades Project, Capital Project No. 8A018 (Project) (3), with a total project budget of $10,000,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to transfer $9,726,000 from the Probation Department’s 2011 Realignment Trust Account for Juvenile Probation Funding to the Project, to fully fund the project; adopt the plans and specifications on file with Public Works for construction of the proposed Project; advertise the project for bids to be received and opened on March 4, 2025; find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT 4-VOTES Execute a consultant services agreement with the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder to prepare a baseline construction schedule for an amount not to exceed $5,000 funded by the Project funds; Determine that a bid is nonresponsive and reject a bid on that basis, award to the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder, waive inconsequential and nonmaterial deficiencies in bids submitted, and determine, in accordance with the applicable contract and bid documents, whether the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder has satisfied all conditions for contract award; and Upon determination, award and execute the construction contract to the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder, if the contract can be awarded within the approved total budget, establish the effective date of the contract upon receipt by the Department of Public Works of acceptable performance and payment bonds, and evidence of required contractor insurance, and take all other actions necessary and appropriate to deliver the Project.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationSouth El Monte Assessor’s Office Refurbishment Project Construction Contract Recommendation: Approve the proposed revised South El Monte Assessor’s Office Refurbishment Project, Capital Project No. 87587 (Project), located at 1198 and 1190 Durfee Avenue in the City of South El Monte (1); approve the proposed revised fire alarm expansion scope and budget of $759,000 and roof repair scope and budget of $250,000 for the Project; approve an appropriation adjustment to transfer $700,000 from El Monte Fire Alarm System Project, Capital Project No. 8A012, to South El Monte Assessor Office Refurbishment Project, Capital Project No. 87587, to fully fund the revised fire alarm expansion scope; authorize the Director of Public Works to deliver the proposed revised work for the Project using a Board-approved Job Order Contracts; and find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationNaples Island Pump Stations Rehabilitation - Phase II Project Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County Flood Control District (District), approve the Naples Island Pump Stations Rehabilitation - Phase II Project (Project) in the City of Long Beach (4) at an estimated construction contract amount between $5,500,000 and $8,000,000; adopt the plans and specifications that are on file with Public Works for the Project, and advertise for bids to be received by March 25, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.; find pursuant to State Public Contract Code, Section 3400 (c) (2), that it is necessary to specify the designated in order to match other products in use on a particular public improvement either completed or in the course of completion; find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Chief Engineer to take the following related actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT Determine whether the bid of the apparent responsible contractor with the lowest apparent responsive bid is, in fact, responsive and, if not responsive, determine which apparent responsible contractor submitted the lowest responsive bid; Award and execute a construction contract for the Project with the responsible contractor with the lowest responsive bid within or less than the estimated cost range; and Extend the date and time for the receipt of bids, allow substitution of subcontractors and relief of bidders, approve and execute change orders within the same monetary limits delegated to the Director of Public Works, accept the Project upon its final completion, and release retention money withheld.
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationHall of Records Fire Sprinkler Installation Project Construction Contract Recommendation: Award and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute a Construction Manager at Risk Preconstruction and Construction Services Agreement with Bernard Bros., Inc., for the Hall of Records Fire Sprinkler System Installation Project (Project) (1), for a maximum contract amount of $427,639 to proceed with the preconstruction phase services until final determination of the recommended Guaranteed Maximum Price, sufficient appropriation is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Projects/Refurbishment Budget under Capital Project No. 87753 to fund the award of the agreement; supplement the maximum contract amount by up to 25% of the contract amount for the preconstruction phase services; authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County’s Purchasing Agent, to solicit the acquisition of long-lead electrical and mechanical equipment for the Project, in an amount not to exceed $2,200,000; and find that the recommended actions are within the scope of the previous exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationHarbor-UCLA Medical Center Replacement Program, Generator Building Retrofit Project Revised recommendation: Find that the proposed Generator Building Retrofit Project Component, including the acquisition of equipment, is within the scope of the environmental impacts analyzed in the previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report and subsequent Addenda Nos. 1, 2, and 3 for the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Campus Master Plan (2); adopt plans and specifications that are on file with Public Works for construction of the Generator Building Retrofit Project Component for the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Replacement Program, Capital Project No. 67965 (Project); advertise for bids to be received by March 31, 2025; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT Execute a consultant services agreement with the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder to prepare a baseline construction schedule for an amount not to exceed $10,000 funded by the Project funds; Determine that a bid is nonresponsive and reject a bid on that basis, award to the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder, waive inconsequential and nonmaterial deficiencies in bids submitted, and determine, in accordance with the applicable contract and bid documents, whether the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder has satisfied all conditions for contract award; Upon determination, award and execute the construction contract to the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder, if the contract can be awarded within the approved total budget, establish the effective date of the contract upon receipt by the Department of Public Works of acceptable performance and payment bonds, and evidence of required contractor insurance, and take all other actions necessary and appropriate to deliver the Project; and Execute any easements, permits, and utility connection agreements necessary for the completion of the Project, provided that the costs related to these easements, permits, and agreements do not cause the Project to exceed the approved Project budget; and Authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County Purchasing Agent, to proceed with the sole source acquisition of electrical maintenance equipment items from Quinn Company to replace existing outdated electrical equipment at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Generator Building.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Revised Board LetterOpen Revised Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationSpecial Appropriation Fund Transfer Recommendation: Approve the transfer of funds from services and supplies to reimburse the Sheriff’s Special Appropriation Fund in the amount of $17,467.28. (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationReplacement Fuel Trucks Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County's Purchasing Agent, to proceed with the solicitation and acquisition of two replacement fuel trucks in the amount of $347,633 each. (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationCalifornia Boating Safety and Enforcement Financial Aid Program for Fiscal Year 2025-26 Resolution Recommendation: Adopt a resolution to accept funding offered by the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) in support of boating safety and enforcement on waters within the County, and as detailed below; and find that the resolution and the funding of the County programs are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act: (Sheriff’s Department) ADOPT Accepts the Legislature's commitment to provide future baseline funding for the County and gives priority consideration to any application submitted by the County to secure State funding; Reaffirms the continued participation of the County, through the Sheriff's Department, in the California Boating Safety and Enforcement Financial Aid Program (Program) for Fiscal Year 2025-26; Certifies that the County, as a participant in the Program, shall expend the equivalent of 100% of its revenues collected from personal property tax on vessels of boat owners within the County for boating safety and enforcement; Authorizes the Sheriff, as an agent of the County, to sign and submit an application and related expenditure reimbursement claims to DBW for State funding, and sign the grant award agreement, if awarded; Authorizes the State funding received through the Program to be distributed to the Sheriff’s Department; and Authorizes the Auditor-Controller to certify the amount of prior year vessel taxes received by the County.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationInglewood Unified School District Levying of Taxes Request from the Inglewood Unified School District (District): Adopt a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the District’s 2020 General Obligation Bonds, Series B (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $165,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2025-26 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Consent CalendarRecommendationPalos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Levying of Taxes Request from the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District (District): Adopt a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the District's General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2024, Series 2025 (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $75,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2025-26 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds, that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- ContinuedAitemContinue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms beginning January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January 17, 2023; (d) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property on the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23, 2023 affecting the areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on March 1, 2023 and ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the arrival, presence, and impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los Angeles County beginning August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20, 2023 and ratified by the Board on August 22, 2023; (f) Conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of winter storms in the County beginning February 1, 2024, as proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by the Board on February 6, 2024; (g) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the Bridge Fire in the County beginning on September 8, 2024, as proclaimed on September 10, 2024 and ratified by the Board on September 17, 2024; (h) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the Franklin Fire in the County beginning on December 9, 2024, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on December 10, 2024; (i) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the territorial limits of the County exist at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall caused and/or exacerbated by the Board of State and Community Corrections’ order to immediately shutter Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall, the only available juvenile hall in the County, beginning on December 12, 2024, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on December 17, 2024; and (j) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events in the County, beginning on January 7, 2025, as proclaimed on January 7, 2025 and ratified by the Board on January 14, 2025.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and any other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at the meeting of January 12, 2016.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of issues related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal and/or State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the meeting of January 17, 2017.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action taken by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as requested by Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17, 2017 and revised by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board meeting of February 21, 2017.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017.
- ContinuedAitemDiscussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board meeting of April 30, 2019.
- ContinuedAitemCONFERENCE REGARDING POTENTIAL THREATS TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES (Government Code Section 54957) Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency services representatives.
- For AdoptionOrdinanceCounty Code, Title 6 - Salaries Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries, by changing the title of one employee classification; correcting the salary of one employee classification; amending Section 6.126.010 (Treasurer and Tax Collector - Positions) to reflect a section name change; adding Section 6.126.011 (Treasurer and Tax Collector - eTAX - Positions); and adding, deleting, and/or changing certain employee classifications and number of ordinance positions in the Departments of Aging and Disabilities, Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures, Alternate Public Defender, Animal Care and Control, Arts and Culture, Assessor, Board of Supervisors, Chief Executive Office, Child Support Services, Children and Family Services, Consumer and Business Affairs, County Counsel, Economic Opportunity, Fire, Health Services, Human Resources, Internal Services, Justice, Care and Opportunities, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association, Medical Examiner, Mental Health, Military and Veterans Affairs, Parks and Recreation, Probation, Public Defender, Public Health, Public Social Services, Public Works, Regional Planning, Sheriff, Treasurer and Tax Collector and Youth Development. INTRODUCE, WAIVE READING AND PLACE ON AGENDA FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 5)
- OrdinanceOpen Ordinance
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationMoving Forward with Recommendations to Reimagine Los Angeles County's Approach to Human Trafficking Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath: Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, through its Office of Immigrant Affairs and its Office of Labor Equity, the Director of Public Health, including its Office of Women’s Health, the Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force (LARHTTF), County Counsel, and other relevant County Department Heads and agencies, including the Sheriff, the Chief Probation Officer, the Directors of Children and Family Services, Justice, Care, and Opportunities, Economic Development, Youth Development, Health Services, and Mental Health, and the District Attorney, to conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of a Countywide human trafficking prevention coordinating body and report back to the Board in writing in 120 days on the following: (Continued from the meeting of 1-14-25) The feasibility of creating and housing the coordinating body within the Department of Public Health, including any needed resources and staff to create the body, as well as any funding opportunities to support the body, including State funding; The recommended structure of the coordinating body, including which County Departments and agencies should be represented and additional actions that may be needed to support the body; Recommendations on how the coordinating body might integrate and/or work with existing County-run human trafficking-related task forces and working groups, such as the LARHTTF, the Wage Theft Task Force, and the County Child Trafficking Steering Committee; Recommendations on how the coordinating body can integrate and/or work with the diverse community-based organizations (CBOs) and relevant local, State and Federal agencies that serve the marginalized populations in the County that are most at risk for becoming victims of human trafficking; and Recommendations on how the coordinating body will intentionally support immigrants who are victims of human trafficking, including language access, cultural competencies, and immigration legal support; and Ensure that the coordinating body shifts the County’s approach to human trafficking from a punitive, public safety model to a public health model; Ensure that the coordinating body's work centers on workers’ rights and related matters, including, but not limited to, a potential workers’ rights center; and The coordinating body should support programs and policies that improve protective factors and reduce vulnerability to trafficking including, but not limited to, comprehensive wraparound services, a coordinated response system that is inclusive of all potential survivors of human trafficking, expanded services for survivors with mental health and/or substance use disorders, and worker resource centers; and Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with the Chief Information Officer, County Counsel, the Director of Public Health, the LARHTTF, and other relevant County Department Heads and agencies, to conduct a feasibility study on the establishment of a collaborative and systematic human trafficking data collection and sharing system/protocol by and among County Departments, agencies and CBOs, and report back to the Board in writing in 120 days including, but not limited to, the following: The feasibility of the Chief Information Officer leading the data collection efforts, and the resources, funding opportunities, including State funding, and support that the Chief Information Officer would need to coordinate and safeguard the data collection; Recommendations on the data that should be captured, and which County Departments and agencies would provide data, including the District Attorney, Sheriff, the Public Defender, and the Directors of Children and Family Services, Health Services and Public Health, and an assessment of potential challenges related to the collection and safeguarding of immigration and human trafficking-related data obtained from these entities; and Recommendations on whether CBOs should also provide data, and if so, specify the types of data that should be provided, and the potential challenges for the collection and safeguarding of immigration status and human trafficking-related data obtained from CBOs.
- Motion by Supervisor SolisOpen Motion by Supervisor Solis
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Revised motion by Supervisors Solis and Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)Open Revised motion by Supervisors Solis and Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)
- Consent CalendarRecommendationMultifamily Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds or Notes for Development in Unincorporated El Camino Village Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign a resolution, as required under Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, approving the issuance of Multifamily Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds or Notes and related actions in an aggregate amount not to exceed $29,956,974, to assist Toyon Gardens, L.P. to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of Toyon Gardens, an affordable 78-unit multifamily rental housing development located at 3127 West 147th Street in unincorporated El Camino Village (2); and find that the adoption of the resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. (Los Angeles County Development Authority) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda No. 2-D)
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationJustice Support Services Master Agreements Recommendation: Authorize the Directors of Justice Care and Opportunities and Youth Development to award and execute Justice Support Servcies Master Agreements (MAs) and Work Orders with multiple entities qualified under the Department of Justice Care and Opportunities (JCOD) Request for Statement of Qualifications solicitation for Justice Support Services on an as needed basis, effective upon the date of execution through June 30, 2035, with five one-year extension options, and modify and/or waive any other County standard terms and conditions including, but not limited to, indemnification and insurance provisions, and when modifying and/or waiving insurance and indemnification provisions JCOD and the Department of Youth Development (DYD) to consult with the Chief Executive Office’s Risk Management Branch; and take the following actions: (Department of Justice Care and Opportunities) APPROVE Authorize the Director of Youth Development to prepare and execute new MAs, with any vendor who has an existing MA with JCOD, effective upon the date of execution through June 30, 2035, with a five year extension options, and modify and/or waive any other County standard terms and conditions including, but not limited to, indemnification and insurance provisions, and when modifying and/or waiving insurance and indemnification provisions JCOD and DYD shall consult with the Risk Management Branch; Authorize the Directors of Justice Care and Opportunities and Youth Development to execute amendments to any MAs, as necessary, to exercise existing and allowable optional extension terms, add, delete, and/or change terms and conditions, as required by law and/or to reflect Federal, State, and County regulatory and/or policy changes, or as required by the Board, add, delete, modify and/or replace applicable exhibits, attachments, or substantially similar contract documents, effectuate name changes or an assignment and delegation should the original contracting entity merge, be acquired, or otherwise change, make non-material modifications for the following, and other similar reasons, to make technical corrections, revise the Contractor’s business name and/or headquarter address, revise contact persons and/or County and Contractor Administration Exhibits, add, exercise, modify and/or waive any other County standard terms and conditions including, but not limited to, indemnification and insurance provisions, and when adding, exercising, modifying and/or waiving insurance and indemnification provisions JCOD and DYD shall consult with the CEO Risk Management Branch, and terminate for convenience; Authorize the Directors of Justice Care and Opportunities and Youth Development, to execute Work Orders (WO) which have been competitively solicited through Work Order Solicitations (WOS) for Justice Support Services for a term of up to three years, with two one-year additional extension options, provided that existing budgeted resources are utilized and sufficient funding is available, modify and/or waive any other County standard terms and conditions in each WO including, but not limited to, insurance and indemnification provisions, and when modifying and/or waiving insurance and indemnification provisions JCOD and DYD shall consult with the Risk Management Branch, and award funding for MA WOs from Participating Funders (governmental, non-profit, and private organizations), with written notice provided to the Board and the Chief Executive Officer on a monthly basis and annually, JCOD and DYD will provide the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, and County Counsel a listing of all approved vendors, executed and amended WOs, the total amount awarded to each vendor, as well as the total cumulative amount awarded to each vendor; Authorize the Directors of Justice Care and Opportunities and Youth Development, to execute amendments to WO to exercise optional term extensions, provided that existing budgeted resources are utilized and sufficient funding is available, extend the term by up to two additional years beyond the existing and allowable optional term extension, provided that sufficient existing funding is available, add, delete, and/or change terms and conditions as required by law and/or to reflect Federal, State, and County regulatory and/or policy changes, or as required by the Board, add, delete, modify or replace applicable exhibits, attachments, or substantially similar contract documents, effectuate name changes or an assignment and delegation should the original contracting entity merge, be acquired, or otherwise change, make non-material modifications for the following, and other similar reasons, to make technical corrections, revise the Contractor’s business name and/or headquarter address, revise contact persons and/or County and Contractor Administration Exhibits, revise the maximum contract amount and/or fee-for-service rate to meet the County’s service needs, provided that existing budgeted resources are utilized and sufficient funding is available, add, exercise, modify and/or waive any other County standard terms and conditions including, but not limited to, indemnification and insurance provisions, and when adding, exercising, modifying and/or waiving insurance and indemnification provisions JCOD and DYD shall consult with the Risk Management Branch, modify budget categories, category amounts and make corresponding service adjustments, as necessary, and terminate for convenience, and with written notice provided to the Board and the Chief Executive Officer on a monthly basis.
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- On AgendaRecommendationTelephonic Public Comment To address the Board during the live hybrid meeting call (877) 692-8955 and enter Participant Code: 4433663 starting at 9:00 a.m. Note: Connect up to 30 minutes before the meeting begins. The operator will take your name, item number(s) you wish to address and place you in a "listening-only" queue. Please listen carefully to the instructions on providing live testimony to the Board. You will need to press 1 then 0 to be moved into a "speaking" queue when the item(s) you wish to address is called. You will hear, "You are in queue." When it is your turn, the moderator will call your name and open your phone line. Note: Your line will be muted when your time expires, and you will be moved back to the "listening-only" queue. Note: If you press 1 then 0 twice, you will hear, "You are removed from the queue." If you are inadvertently removed, you may press 1 then 0 to be placed back into the "speaking" queue. For additional instructions and tips, please visit our website at: Call-in Instructions and Tips Listen Only To listen only by telephone call (877) 873-8017 and enter the access code when prompted: Access Code for English: 111111 Access Code for Spanish: 222222. Written Testimony Written public comments may be submitted through our website at:, which will become part of the official record.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- HeaderRecommendationRecommendation by individual Supervisors that the Board adjourn the meeting in memory of deceased persons and/or commemoration of ceremonial occasions.
- Consent CalendarRecommendationTranslation and Interpretation Services Contracts Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority to execute two one-year contracts for Translation and Interpretation Services (Contracts) with Focus Language International Inc., and Effectiff LLC, for Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) clients, using up to $200,000 in funds included in the LACDA’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 approved budget and FY 2025-26 proposed budget; execute amendments to the Contracts, extend the term for an additional four years, in one-year increments, with an annual compensation of $200,000 to be shared between the two Contracts, using funds to be included in LACDA’s annual budget approval process; amend the Contracts to modify the Statement of Work, to add services and increase the total compensation by up to $20,000 per year (10%), as needed for unforeseen needs, and to update provisions of the contracts; determine, and as necessary and appropriate under the terms of the contracts, to terminate either Contract for convenience; and find that approval of the Contracts is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. APPROVE
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationContinuing to Incentivize and Expedite Hiring for Los Angeles County’s Alternative Crisis Response Programs Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Instruct the Director of Mental Health to report back to the Board in writing in 60 days with funding options to maintain and continue the increased field-based bonuses and shift differentials and the additional interval bonuses, as implemented in August 2023, after the American Rescue Plan Act funding expires, and a plan to incentivize and expedite hiring of crucial vacant positions in Alternative Crisis Response field teams, with the plan to consider, but not be limited to, the following: Further increasing shift differentials for night shifts that have been harder to staff; Implementing bonuses for geographical locations that have been harder to hire in; Further increasing field-based bonuses for clinician positions, which have been the hardest to fill; Reworking the way that the Department of Mental Health (DMH) employees volunteering for overtime night shifts receive payment for standby time, in order to incentivize more DMH staff to volunteer for overnight overtime shifts; Strategies to increase the number of applicants to the DMH hiring fairs that are being held to expedite the hiring process; Increasing the partnerships with colleges and universities by creating more internship or student worker positions with DMH as a pathway to a career in the Department; and Advertising and promoting the Department’s Psych Tech stipend program.
- Motion by Supervisor HahnOpen Motion by Supervisor Hahn
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationPreparing for the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program Round 2 Funding Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Barger: Instruct the Director of Mental Health to collaborate with the Director of Public Health, through its Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Bureau, to establish a plan to manage and apply for Round 2 of Bond Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure (BHCIP) funds; the plan should include, but not be limited to, an overview of the current unmet behavioral health care facility and housing needs for the County, a list of potential County projects that would address the County’s unmet needs as described above and likely qualify for Bond BHCIP Round 2 funds; and a prioritization of the projects described above and plans to manage and apply for the high-priority projects in Bond BHCIP Round 2, including a timeline to prepare for submission of Round 2 applications.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Motion by Supervisors Hahn and BargerOpen Motion by Supervisors Hahn and Barger
- Consent CalendarRecommendationLos Angeles County Gender-Based Violence Prevention Services Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and Horvath: Authorize the Director of Public Health (DPH) to negotiate and execute a contract with the Southern California Grantmakers for gender-based violence (GBV) prevention services for the following four categories: Healthy Relationship Education and Training; Engaging Men and Boys; Innovative Programs to Engage LGBTQ+ Youth; and Economic Empowerment Strategies for Girls, and to cover the contractor’s administrative fee of 10%, for an amount not to exceed $2,260,500, the term of the agreement shall not exceed 15 months, funding for the agreement shall be 100% funded from the Fiscal Year 2024-25 DPH Budget, utilizing Office of Violence Prevention Net County Cost funds; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: Execute amendments to the agreement in order to add, delete, modify, or replace the statement/scope of work; make corresponding pricing schedule changes that do not increase the maximum contract amount; make changes required to comply with Federal, State, and County regulatory policy changes; and Collect data and report back to the Board on target outcomes for the GBV pilot prevention services that will support and inform future funding for GBV prevention services, utilizing the Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiative’s equity analysis tool to specifically examine disproportionate impacts across racial and ethnic demographics, the analysis should include particular attention to the disproportionate impact on women of color while maintaining inclusive gender-based definitions.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Motion by Supervisor MitchellOpen Motion by Supervisor Mitchell
- Motion by Supervisors Mitchell and Horvath (Updates Following Cluster)Open Motion by Supervisors Mitchell and Horvath (Updates Following Cluster)
- Consent CalendarRecommendationArmed Security Guard Services for LA County Library Area Contracts Recommendation: Find that armed security guard services for LA County Library facilities can be performed more economically by an independent contractor; approve and instruct the Chair to sign five contracts with Inter-Con Security Services Systems, Inc. (Inter-Con, Inc.), for the provision of as needed armed security guard services at LA County Library facilities, for a maximum period of five years and six months and a potential aggregate total of $65,795,597.19, effective on February 15, 2025, or three weeks following Board approval, whichever is later; authorize the County Librarian to approve unanticipated work within the scope of the contract, and execute amendments to exercise renewal options, increase or decrease the number of facilities or the days of service; amend terms and conditions in the contract, as may be required by the Board, and adjust the contract amount, accordingly; and find that the proposed actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (LA County Library) APPROVE (Continued from the meeting of 1-21-25)
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationMotion for Residents, First Responders, and Support Teams Attending Kelli O'Hara Concert Presented by LA Opera Fee Waiver on February 1, 2025, not to Exceed $5,000, as submitted by Supervisor Solis.
- Motion by Supervisor SolisOpen Motion by Supervisor Solis
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationWildfire Recovery: Housing Choice Vouchers for Families Affected by the January 2025 Critical Fire Events Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Barger and Horvath: Authorize the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority to amend the Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan immediately upon Housing and Urban Development approval to implement a new local preference for the Housing Choice Voucher Program to prioritize 50 vouchers for County residents making less than 50% Area Median Income who lost their homes in the January 2025 Critical Fire Events.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Motion by Supervisors Barger and Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)Open Motion by Supervisors Barger and Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)
- Consent CalendarRecommendationMotion to Reestablish and Increase the Reward Previously Offered in the Amount of $10,000 to $15,000 in the Investigation of the Heinous Murder of Severino Gutierrez in the Unincorporated Area of Athens on August 4, 2022, as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell.
- Motion by Supervisor MitchellOpen Motion by Supervisor Mitchell
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationSupport for Assembly Bill 246 (Bryan): State of Emergency: Residential Rent Increases: County of Los Angeles: Price Gouging: Enforcement by District Attorney Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to express support for Assembly Bill 246 (Bryan), legislation which would freeze rental rates in Los Angeles County at the amount charged as of January 7, 2025; and authorize the District Attorney to enforce these provisions, and subject a violation of these provisions to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 to remain in effect until 12 months after the state of emergency; and request that the bill be amended to expressly allow County Counsel to enforce the provisions of the Civil Code referenced in the bill.
- Motion by Supervisor Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)Open Motion by Supervisor Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Revised Motion by Supervisor Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)Open Revised Motion by Supervisor Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)
- Consent CalendarRecommendationMotion to Proclaim February 2025 as “Civil Grand Jury Month” in Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Barger.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Motion by Supervisor BargerOpen Motion by Supervisor Barger
- Set MatterSet MatterReport on the County’s Implementation of the People Experiencing Homelessness Missions Report by the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative on the implementation of the people experiencing homelessness missions, including each Department’s utilization of the Emergency Proclamation’s tools and delegated authorities, as requested at the Board meeting of October 3, 2023. RECEIVE AND FILE (Continued from the meeting of 1-7-25)
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationThe following are links to the applicable Cluster Meeting Agenda(s) and Transcript(s).
- Health and Mental Health Cluster Meeting TranscriptOpen Health and Mental Health Cluster Meeting Transcript
- Health and Mental Health Cluster AgendaOpen Health and Mental Health Cluster Agenda
- Consent CalendarRecommendationTransportation Services Contract Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute a contract with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, selected under a competitive solicitation process for the provision of transportation services for eligible Ryan White Program (RWP) clients in the County, effective March 1, 2025 through February 29, 2028, for a total maximum amount of $159,228, consisting of $53,076 annually for transportation services, 100% funded by Health Resources and Services Administration RWP Part A funds, Assistance Listing No. 93.914; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE Execute amendments to the contracts that extend the term through February 28, 2031, contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance, allow an internal reallocation of funds between budgets, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below each term’s annual base maximum obligation, correct errors in the contracts’ terms and conditions, and/or update the statement of work, as necessary; Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and Immediately suspend or terminate any contract upon issuing a written notice to contractors who fail to fully comply with contract requirements and terminate contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to contractors.
- Board LetterOpen Board Letter
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationCombatting Los Angeles County’s Price Gouging Crisis: Protecting Renters and Consumers Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Barger: Instruct County Counsel, in collaboration with the Director of Consumer Business Affairs, to return to the Board at the February 11, 2025 Board meeting with a draft resolution to increase the maximum civil penalty allowed under County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business and Wage Regulations, Chapter 8.09, for price gouging in an amount not to exceed $50,000 per violation; authorize County Counsel, at their discretion, to consider initiating litigation, joining existing litigation, or filing an amicus brief in litigation regarding price gouging and price fixing algorithmic software; instruct the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs to consult with stakeholders, including tenants and property owners, and report back to the Board in writing in 60 days on limiting the use, sale, or licensing of algorithmic rental price fixing software that sets or raises rental amounts, using recently adopted ordinances in other jurisdictions like the City of San Francisco, as a guide; and take the following actions: Instruct the Director of Personnel, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer and the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, to request Disaster Service Workers with the relevant experience to assist the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs in the investigation of price gouging complaints and other critical consumer protection functions; Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations Branch, in consultation with the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, to draft a five-signature letter requesting all online housing providers, applications, and platforms offering housing accommodations for sale or for rent, including short term rentals including, but not limited to, Redfin, Zillow,, AirBnB, and VRBO to do the following: Provide a notice on their website, through a banner headline or other means that the County is under a state of emergency and price gouging laws are in effect; Display information on the state of emergency and price gouging laws when customers do geographic searches for areas within the County; and Preserve rental price history for properties listed and removed from the platform that were rented or removed without being rented, a minimum of 30 days prior to the emergency declaration and through the duration of the emergency declaration.
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Motion by Supervisors Horvath and Barger (Exempt from Cluster)Open Motion by Supervisors Horvath and Barger (Exempt from Cluster)
- Consent CalendarRecommendationMotion to Proclaim February 2025 as “African American History Month” in Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell.
- Motion by Supervisor MitchellOpen Motion by Supervisor Mitchell
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Consent CalendarRecommendationImmediate Action to Remove Toxic Fire Debris and Contaminant Runoff from Los Angeles County Beaches Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Instruct the Director of Public Works, in coordination with the Directors of Beaches and Harbors and the Office of Emergency Management to do the following: Submit a request to all appropriate State and Federal agencies for additional resources and expertise to safely and rapidly remove ash sediment and debris from impacted beaches and coastal waters; Consult and seek opportunities for assistance from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Restoration’s Office of Response and Restoration, which is responsible for evaluating and restoring coastal habitats damaged by hazardous waste releases, oil spills and other debris; Explore and leverage partnerships with organizations that are dedicated to making our oceans and beaches clean for the enjoyment of all people; and Identify any additional State and Federal resources available to help restore and remediate our beaches; Instruct the Director of Beaches and Harbors, in consultation with the Directors of Public Works and the Office of Emergency Management, to report back to the Board in writing in five days on whether protocols identified from the Director of Public Works’ December 11, 2023 report entitled, “Board Motion of September 12, 2023, Agenda Item 16 Protecting Santa Monica Bay and Los Angeles County Beaches from Trash and Pollution,” followed and what additional protocols and resources are needed to respond before and after a rainstorm event to remove any fire debris and ash from beaches and water, including recommendations for an on-call contractor to help facilitate rapid removal; Instruct the Director of Public Health, in coordination with the Directors of Beaches and Harbors and Public Works, and the State Water Resources Control Board, to report back to the Board in writing in 10 days on the following: Existing testing protocols for water quality and debris on beaches and ocean water; Collaboration with the State Water Resources Control Board to expand ocean water sampling to include potential toxins and chemicals; Current efforts in response to the fires and storm runoff in partnership with State and local partners; and Recommendations on how protocols could be improved and the resources needed to address impactful events other than a storm, including coordinating with relevant public agencies and research institutions; and Instruct the Director of Public Works, in coordination with the Directors of Public Health, Beaches and Harbors, and the Office of Emergency Management, to report back to the Board in writing in 15 days with best practices for cleaning up beaches and coastal waters from toxic or carcinogenic chemicals and debris based on municipal action following similar natural disaster events, such as the Lahaina and Thomas Fires.
- Motion by Supervisor Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)Open Motion by Supervisor Horvath (Exempt from Cluster)
- Public Comment/CorrespondenceOpen Public Comment/Correspondence
- Director of Public Works Report dated December 11, 2023Open Director of Public Works Report dated December 11, 2023