Prince George’s County Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

17 agenda updates since 14 days ago

Government Operations And Fiscal Policy Committee

Filters for matters
  1. To Committee
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING MINIMUM WAGE INDEXING for the purpose of indexing Prince George’s County’s minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index and addressing the adverse impact on Direct Support Professionals.
  2. To Committee
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING THE CANNABIS REINVESTMENT AND RESTORATION BOARD for the purpose of increasing the size of the Cannabis Reinvestment and Restoration Board; providing appointing authority to at-large Council members; and setting the initial term of members appointed by an at-large Council member.
  3. To Committee
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS for the purpose of prohibiting the County Police and Fire/EMS departments from disqualifying applicants for uniformed positions solely on the basis of a positive screening for cannabis/marijuana.
  4. To Committee

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING RELATED TO MILL BRANCH CROSSING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT for the purpose of approving a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) proposal and certifications pursuant to CR-21-2019 to the extent to be required under CB-64-2024 and complying with the requirements of CB-51-2022, as applicable as described.
  5. To Committee

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING MILITARY LEAVE for the purpose of amending the Salary Plan of the County to reflect the continuation of certain military leave benefits and the eligibility requirements for certain military leave benefits.
  6. To Committee

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ADJUSTMENTS TO APPROVED POSITION GRADES for the purpose of adjusting the number of positions in certain grades in the Office of Human Rights, Department of Family Services and the Office of the State’s Attorney.
  7. To Committee

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, GENERAL SCHEDULE EMPLOYEES - SALARY SCHEDULE G for the purpose of amending the Salary Plan of the County to reflect modified pay rates for General Schedule Employees.

Health, Human Services And Public Safety Committee

Filters for matters
  1. To Committee

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING SUPPORT FOR NON-CARCERAL MENTAL HEALTH CARE for the purpose of expressing the Prince George's County Council’s Support of Non-Carceral Mental Health Care in the Spirit of the People’s Response Act.
  2. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE HOLISTIC AND SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS TASK FORCE for the purpose of extending the reporting time for the Holistic and Sustainable Solutions for Senior Citizens Task Force and adding four additional members.

General Assembly Committee

    Sitting As The District Council

    Filters for matters
    1. Oral Arguments
      Detailed Site Plan (Prior Ordinance)

    2. Oral Arguments
      Detailed Site Plan

      Harmony Garden
    3. Agenda Ready


    Planning, Housing And Economic Development Committee

    Filters for matters
    1. Final

      Prince George’s County Planning Department Overview of Fiscal Year 2025 Work Program Lakisha Hull Director Tony Felts Deputy Director of Administration

      This Briefing was held


    Education And Workforce Development Committee

    Filters for matters
    1. Committee Agenda Ready
      Transfer Request & Reconciliation

      Board of Education Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Review & Transfer Request #5
    2. Committee Agenda Ready
      Transfer Request & Reconciliation

      Board of Education Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Review & Transfer Request #1

    Sitting As The Committee Of The Whole

    **The Agenda Is Subject To Change Up To Five (5) Calendar Days Prior To The Noted Date.**

    Filters for matters
    1. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE ENACTMENT OF CERTAIN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOWIE for the purpose of approving the enactment of Ordinance O-1-25 amending Chapter 26 of the Code of the City of Bowie, concerning municipal zoning authority

    County Council

    **The Agenda Is Subject To Change Up To Five (5) Calendar Days Prior To The Noted Date.**

    Filters for matters
    1. Agenda Ready

      County Council Minutes dated March 11, 2025
    2. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING CONTRACT APPROVALS for the purpose of approving a multi-year contract to procure light and heavy-duty vehicle tire, tubes and repair services.
    3. Agenda Ready

    4. Agenda Ready
      Consent Agenda

    5. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Letter

      Proposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation.
    6. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE MORATORIUM FOR MARYLAND’S FEDERAL EMPLOYEES for the purpose of urging the Governor to impose a Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium for Maryland’s Federal Employees; and generally regarding a residential mortgage foreclosure moratorium.
    7. Third Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING 2025-2026 COMPENSATION REVIEW COMMISSION for the purpose of establishing a Compensation Review Commission to study the rate of current compensation and allowances for Council members and compensation for the County Executive and making recommendations regarding the amount of compensation in accordance with state and local laws, and generally relating to the Compensation Review Commission.
    8. Second Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING WATERCRAFT PARKED ON COUNTY ROADS for the purpose of prohibiting the parking of watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way within the County; to establish fines and penalties for parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way in the County; to permit the towing and impounding of any personally-owned watercraft after a certain number of violations; and generally relating to the prohibition of parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights-of-way in Prince George’s County.
    9. Second Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING COUNTY EMPLOYEE ACCESS TO IN VITRO FERTILIZATION AND EGG FREEZING FERTILITY COVERAGE for the purpose of requiring that any health insurer contracted to offer health insurance plans to county employees include health insurance plans which will feature and have IVF and Egg Freezing fertility coverage as an offered part of health insurance.
    10. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE ENACTMENT OF CERTAIN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOWIE for the purpose of approving the enactment of Ordinance O-1-25 amending Chapter 26 of the Code of the City of Bowie, concerning municipal zoning authority

    Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy And Environment Committee

    Filters for matters
    1. To Committee
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING DPW&T SNOW REMOVAL OPERATIONS REPORTING for the purpose of requiring the Director of the Department of Public Works and Transportation to report the department's snow removal operation plan to the Prince George’s County Council; to detail the information that shall be submitted within the snow removal operation plan; defining certain terms related to the snow removal operation plan; and to provide the timeframe which the report should be submitted to the Prince George’s County Council.
    2. To Committee
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING WOODLAND AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION for the purpose of strengthening enforcement of woodland maintenance requirements set forth in the woodland conservation ordinance; providing for periodic inspections of conservation areas after construction activities have been completed; and requiring annual reporting on inspection and enforcement activities.

    County Council

    Filters for matters
    1. Agenda Ready

      County Council Minutes dated February 25, 2025
    2. Agenda Ready

      County Council Minutes dated March 4, 2025
    3. Agenda Ready
      Consent Agenda

    4. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Letter

      Proposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation.
    5. Agenda Ready

    6. Introduction and Adoption

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ACTING CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER for the purpose of extending the temporary appointment of Mr. Barry L. Stanton, as the Acting Chief Administrative Officer.
    7. Introduction and Adoption

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ACTING DIRECTOR FOR THE OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES for the purpose of extending the temporary appointment of Ms. Valerie A. Farrar as the Acting Director of the Office of Human Resources Management.
    8. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING SPEED HUMPS AND SPEED MONITORING SYSTEMS for the purpose of providing for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program; providing for traffic studies to evaluate the installation of speed humps on residential streets; providing for certain requests; providing for the timeline for the process of conducting a traffic study and making a determination on whether to install speed humps; providing for appropriate approvals for speed humps; providing for a reporting timeline for a final decision on the installation of speed monitoring systems; providing for a reporting timeline for a final decision on the installation of residential district speed monitoring systems; and generally regarding street humps and speed monitoring systems.
    9. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING A MORATORIUM ON UTILITY PRICE INCREASES for the purpose of requesting the Public Service Commission to impose a moratorium on utility price increases for the indefinite future.
    10. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE HOLISTIC AND SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS TASK FORCE for the purpose of extending the reporting time for the Holistic and Sustainable Solutions for Senior Citizens Task Force and adding four additional members.
    11. Public Hearing

      Appointment of the following individual to the Prince George’s County Police Accountability Board: Stephanye R. Maxwell, Esq., CPM Appointment Replacing: Daniel C. Vergamini Term Expiration: June 30, 2027
    12. Introduction and Adoption

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION - FUNCTIONAL MASTER PLAN for the purpose of approving, by legislative action of the District Council in accordance with State law, the initiation of an update to the Formula 2040 Functional Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Open Space for Prince George’s County, Maryland of the Maryland-Washington Regional District and the Goals, Concepts, Guidelines, and the Public Participation Program for the project pursuant to Part 27-3 of the Zoning Ordinance.
    13. Resolution Final Reading

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING WATERSHED PROTECTION AND RESTORATION for the purpose of Prince George's County's Watershed Protection and Restoration Financial Assurance Plan (FAP) for approving the Prince George's County Financial Assurance as required by State law.
    14. To Committee

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE TASK FORCE TO ADDRESS HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM WAIT TIMES for the purpose of extending the reporting time for the Task Force to Address Hospital Emergency Room Wait Times and adding two additional members.
    15. Agenda Ready
      Executive Session

      Motion to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 3-305(b)(1), General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, in order to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of an appointee, employee, or official over whom it has jurisdiction, specifically, to review the February 19, 2025, determination of the County Board of Ethics.
    16. Public Hearing

      Appointment of the following individuals to the Human Rights Commission: Mr. Issac E. Esene (Withdrawn) Appointment Replacing: Daryl D. Jackson Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Caren A. Gillison Appointment Replacing: Roslyn Brown Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Shonda W. Harmon Appointment Replacing: Brindisi Chan Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Sylvia L. Johnson Reappointment Term Expiration: 6/30/2026 Ms. Erin F. Kabba Appointment Replacing: (Vacant -Llamilet Gutierrez) Term Expiration: 6/30/2026 Mr. Joseph S. Reed Reappointment Term Expiration: 6/30/2026 Ms. Kayon R. Williams Appointment Replacing: Wendi J. Howard Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Erica L. Jenkins Appointment Replacing: Charlene Proctor, Esq. Term Expiration: 6/30/2028
    17. Public Hearing

      Appointment of the following individuals to the Cannabis Reinvestment and Restoration Board: Debra Mims Appointment Term Expiration: 5/31/2029 Kevin M. Ford, Jr (Withdrawn) Appointment Term Expiration: 5/31/2029
    18. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Letter

      Proposed correspondence to The Honorable Peter A. Shapiro, Chairman, Prince George's County Planning Board, approving the request for a six-month extension of the period to prepare the Staff Draft Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment.

    Government Operations And Fiscal Policy Committee

    **Revised - Cb-014-2025 And Cr-013-2025 Addded**

    Filters for matters
    1. Public Hearing

      Appointment of the following individual to the Board of Ethics for Prince George’s County: Jason W. Papanikolas Appointment Replacing: Sharon Theodore Lewis Term Expiration: 12/1/2027

      A motion was made by Chair Watson, seconded by Council Member Oriadha, that this Appointment be FAVORABLE. The motion carried by the following vote:

    2. Public Hearing

      Appointment of the following individuals to the Human Rights Commission: Mr. Issac E. Esene (Withdrawn) Appointment Replacing: Daryl D. Jackson Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Caren A. Gillison Appointment Replacing: Roslyn Brown Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Shonda W. Harmon Appointment Replacing: Brindisi Chan Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Sylvia L. Johnson Reappointment Term Expiration: 6/30/2026 Ms. Erin F. Kabba Appointment Replacing: (Vacant -Llamilet Gutierrez) Term Expiration: 6/30/2026 Mr. Joseph S. Reed Reappointment Term Expiration: 6/30/2026 Ms. Kayon R. Williams Appointment Replacing: Wendi J. Howard Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Erica L. Jenkins Appointment Replacing: Charlene Proctor, Esq. Term Expiration: 6/30/2028

      A motion was made by Council Member Oriadha, seconded by Chair Watson, that this Appointment be FAVORABLE. The motion carried by the following vote:

    3. Public Hearing

      Appointment of the following individuals to the Cannabis Reinvestment and Restoration Board: Debra Mims Appointment Term Expiration: 5/31/2029 Kevin M. Ford, Jr (Withdrawn) Appointment Term Expiration: 5/31/2029

      A motion was made by Council Member Oriadha, seconded by Chair Watson, that this Appointment be FAVORABLE. The motion carried by the following vote:

    4. To Committee

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - LICENSES FOR RETAIL GROCERY ESTABLISHMENTS for the purpose of stating a policy by the Prince George’s County Council and requesting that the Prince George’s House and Senate delegations of the Maryland General Assembly support local legislation allowing the Board (“the Board”) of License Commissioners for Prince George’s County to issue a Class A beer and wine license to establishments in the Board’s jurisdiction to sell beer and wine to individuals who are twenty-one (21) years old or older.

      A motion was made by Council Member Oriadha, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that this Resolution be Held in Committee. The motion carried by the following vote:

    5. To Committee
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING MINIMUM WAGE INDEXING for the purpose of indexing Prince George’s County’s minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index and addressing the adverse impact on Direct Support Professionals.

      A motion was made by Council Member Dernoga, seconded by Council Member Oriadha, that this Council Bill be Held in Committee. The motion carried by the following vote:

    6. To Committee
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING THE REVISED PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER REAL PROPERTY TAX CREDIT for the purpose of revising the definition of public safety officers eligible for the real property tax credit.

      A motion was made by Council Member Oriadha, seconded by Chair Watson, that this Council Bill be Favorably recommended with amendments. The motion carried by the following vote:

    7. Second Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING THE REVISED ELDERLY PROPERTY TAX CREDIT for the purpose of revising the current elderly property tax credit to make its applicability exclusive of and separate and distinct from the Homestead and Maryland Homeowner’s Property Tax Credit and changing the yearly thresholds for eligibility as well as addressing any hardships resulting thereof.

      A motion was made by Council Member Oriadha, seconded by Chair Watson, that this Council Bill be FAVORABLE. The motion carried by the following vote:

    8. Resolution Final Reading

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 1619 (FIRE FIGHTERS, PARAMEDICS, AND FIRE FIGHTER/MEDICS) SALARY SCHEDULE Y for the purpose of amending the Salary Plan of the County to reflect the terms of the labor agreement by and between Prince George’s County, Maryland and the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO, Local 1619 (Fire Fighters, Paramedics, and Fire Fighter/Medics).

      A motion was made by Council Member Oriadha, seconded by Chair Watson, that this Resolution be FAVORABLE. The motion carried by the following vote:

    9. Second Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 1619 (FIRE FIGHTERS, PARAMEDICS AND FIRE FIGHTER/MEDICS) for the purpose of amending the labor agreement by and between Prince George’s County, Maryland and the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO, Local 1619 (Fire Fighters, Paramedics and Fire Fighter/Medics), to provide for wages and certain other terms and conditions of employment for personnel classifications initially certified by the Prince George’s County Public Employee Relations Board or as amended by the Office of Human Resources Management.

      A motion was made by Council Member Oriadha, seconded by Chair Watson, that this Council Bill be FAVORABLE. The motion carried by the following vote:


    Task Forces-workgroups

    Holistic & Sustainable Solutions For Senior Citizens Task Force

      Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy And Environment Committee

      Filters for matters
      1. Held in Committee
        Council Bill

        AN ACT CONCERNING THE OFFICE OF PERMITTING OMBUDSMAN for the purpose of establishing The Office of Permitting Ombudsman for the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE) in Prince George’s County and creating a formal mechanism to address barriers for small business, homeowners, and other stakeholders in Prince George’s County.

        A motion was made by Chair Olson, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that this Council Bill be held. The motion carried by the following vote:

      2. Held in Committee
        Council Bill

        AN ACT CONCERNING UTILITY TRAILER PARKING RESTRICTIONS for the purpose of defining utility trailers and establishing parking restrictions for such trailers; requiring the display of information identifying the trailer’s owner or rightful possessor; setting penalties for violating these parking restrictions; and excepting certain vehicles from these parking restrictions.

        A motion was made by Council Member Dernoga, seconded by Chair Olson, that this Council Bill be held. The motion carried by the following vote:

      3. Resolution Final Reading

        A RESOLUTION CONCERNING WATERSHED PROTECTION AND RESTORATION for the purpose of Prince George's County's Watershed Protection and Restoration Financial Assurance Plan (FAP) for approving the Prince George's County Financial Assurance as required by State law.

        A motion was made by Council Member Fisher, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that this Resolution be FAVORABLE. The motion carried by the following vote:


      Education And Workforce Development Committee

      Filters for matters
      1. Committee Agenda Ready

        Prince George's Community College - Agency Overview Dr. Falecia D. Williams President Prince George's Community College Jim Adkins Vice President of Financial Services and Operations Prince George's Community College Dr. Gavette Duncan Director of Government Relations and Community Outreach Prince George's Community College

        This Briefing was held.

      2. Committee Agenda Ready

        Employ Prince George's, Inc. - Agency Overview Walter Simmons President & CEO Employ Prince George's, Inc. Patrick Combs Executive Vice President Employ Prince George's, Inc. Jeffrey Dufresne Chief Financial Officer Employ Prince George's, Inc. Jeffrey Swilley Chief of Staff Employ Prince George's, Inc. Ardalun Kamali Director, Advocacy & Compliance Employ Prince George's, Inc.

        This Briefing was held.


      County Council

      Filters for matters
      1. Approved

        County Council Minutes dated February 18, 2025

        These Minutes were approved.

      2. Final


        A motion was made by Vice Chair Burroughs, seconded by Council Member Hawkins, that this meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by an unanimous vote.

      3. Adopted
        Consent Agenda


        A motion was made by Council Member Fisher, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Consent Agenda be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:

      4. Approved
        Agenda Letter

        Proposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation.

        A motion was made by Council Member Fisher, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Agenda Letter be authorized for Chair's signature. The motion carried by the following vote:

      5. Resolution Final Reading

        A RESOLUTION CONCERNING WATERSHED PROTECTION AND RESTORATION for the purpose of Prince George's County's Watershed Protection and Restoration Financial Assurance Plan (FAP) for approving the Prince George's County Financial Assurance as required by State law.

        The public hearing for this Resolution was held.

      6. Final
        Additions to the Agenda


        A motion was made by Council Member Olson, seconded by Council Member Fisher, that this additions package be accepted. The motion carried by the following vote:

      7. To Committee
        Council Bill

        AN ACT CONCERNING LANDLORD-TENANT RELATIONS for the purpose of providing for a certain relocation payment for certain housing deemed unfit for human habitation; providing for a certain first right to reoccupy certain rental housing; and generally regarding landlord-tenant relations.

        This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Oriadha and referred to the Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee.

      8. To Committee
        Council Bill

        AN ACT CONCERNING TAXES ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES - USE OF REVENUE for the purpose of imposing an excise tax on certain telecommunications service to be used instead of a sales and use tax and generally relating to taxes on telecommunication services and funding requirements in primary and secondary education.

        This Council Bill was presented by the Chair by the request of the County Executive and referred to the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.

      9. Approved
        Agenda Letter

        Proposed letter to Janie Nham and Victoria Caudullo, Transportation Land Use Connections Program, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, supporting the Northern Prince George’s East West Bikeway (NPGEWB) Planning Study.

        A motion was made by Council Member Olson, seconded by Council Member Fisher, that this Agenda Letter be authorized for Chair's signature. The motion carried by the following vote:

      10. Approved
        Agenda Letter

        Proposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, regarding opposition to the Magnetic Levitation Transportation System (MAGLEV).

        A motion was made by Council Member Fisher, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Agenda Letter be reconsidered. The motion carried by the following vote:

      11. Approved
        Agenda Letter

        Proposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, regarding opposition to the Magnetic Levitation Transportation System (MAGLEV).

        A motion was made by Council Member Dernoga, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Agenda Letter be authorized for Chair's signature. The motion carried by the following vote:


      Sitting As The Committee Of The Whole

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready

        BRIEFING - STATE AID David B. Juppe, Revenue and Legislation Manager, Office of Management and Budget

        This Briefing was held.

      2. Agenda Ready

        BRIEFING - EDI INCENTIVE FUND Calvin B. Grigsby, Consultant Eric Irving, Fiscal and Legislative Specialist

        This Briefing was held.

      3. Agenda Ready


        This Briefing was held.

      9 new matters since 7 days ago

      Filters for matters
      1. Committee Agenda Ready
        Budget Item

        THE MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION (M-NCPPC) FY 2026 BUDGETS - Commissioner’s Office, Central Administrative Services (CAS), Planning Department
      2. Committee Agenda Ready
        Budget Item

      3. Committee Agenda Ready

        Briefing on Federal Grants - Prince George's County Public Schools
      4. introduction and referral

        A RESOLUTION CONCERNING CONTRACT APPROVALS for the purpose of approving a multi-year contract to procure light and heavy-duty vehicle tire, tubes and repair services.


      5. Committee Agenda Ready
        Transfer Request & Reconciliation

        Board of Education Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Review & Transfer Request #5


      6. Committee Agenda Ready
        Transfer Request & Reconciliation

        Board of Education Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Review & Transfer Request #1
      7. Agenda Ready
        Agenda Letter

        Proposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation.
      8. Agenda Ready

        County Council Minutes dated March 11, 2025
      9. Committee Agenda Ready