Mountain View City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

12 agenda updates since 14 days ago

Parks And Recreation Commission And Urban Forestry Board

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Minutes Approval

    Approve the January 15, 2025 minutes.

  2. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan-Park Land Level of Service

    Review and provide comment on the draft Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan’s Park Land Level of Service, specifically how school sites and Shoreline at Mountain View are recommended to be calculated.

  3. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Advisory Body Input on the Fiscal Years 2025-26 and 2026-27 Council Work Plan Potential Projects

    Review the proposed project list for the Fiscal Years 2025-26 and 2026-27 Council Work Plan and provide input on project prioritization.


Administrative Zoning Hearing

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Public Hearing

    294-296 Tyrella Avenue, Forrest Linebarger for Tower Investment LLC, PL-2023-102 and PL-2023-103; APN: 160-32-001 and 160-32-002

    Request for a Development Review Permit to construct site and facade modifications to an existing 39,775 square foot commercial building, and a Heritage Tree Removal permit to remove three (3)Heritage trees on a 2.78-acre project site; and a recommended determination that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15301 (“Existing Facilities”) and Section 15304 (“Minor Alterations to Land”) of the CEQA Guidelines. This project is located northwest of Terra Bella Avenue between West Middlefield Road and North Shoreline Boulevard in the ML (Limited Industrial) Zoning District. Project Manager: Madelyn Faul


Bicycle/pedestrian Advisory Committee

Special Meeting

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Consent Calendar

    Meeting Minutes February 26, 2025

    Approve the BPAC meeting minutes from February 26, 2025.

  2. Agenda Ready
    Consent Calendar

    Safe Routes to School Final Report FY 2023-2024

    Receive the final report for Mountain View’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24.


Visual Arts Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Consent Calendar

    Ad Hoc Committee for VAC-DC-PAC Collaboration

City Council

Joint Special Meeting Of City Council And Shoreline Regional Park Community

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Study Session

    Housing Element Programs 1.4 and 2.6-Incentives for Affordable Housing on Religious Sites and Other Sites South of the El Camino Real Precise Plan

    Review and provide direction on potential Zoning Code amendments and other incentives for affordable housing south of the El Camino Real Precise Plan, to implement Housing Element Program 1.4, Religious and Community Assembly Sites for Housing, and Program 2.6, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

  2. Agenda Ready

    Teen Week Proclamation
  3. Agenda Ready

    Youth Arts Month Proclamation
  4. Agenda Ready
    Consent Calendar

    Appropriations for Advanced Planning Capital Improvement Projects

    1. Transfer and appropriate $500,000 from the Land Use Documents Fee Reserve to Downtown Precise Plan Comprehensive Update, Project 20-66, increasing the project budget from $2,582,000 to $3,082,000. (Five votes required) 2. Transfer and appropriate $300,000 from the Land Use Documents Fee Reserve to R3 Zoning District Update, Project 20-67, increasing the project budget from $1,897,000 to $2,197,000. (Five votes required) 3. Transfer and appropriate $150,000 from the Land Use Documents Fee Reserve to the 2023-2031 Housing Element, Project 21-58, increasing the project budget from $1,483,655 to $1,633,655. (Five votes required) 4. Transfer and appropriate $150,000 from the Land Use Documents Fee Reserve to Historic Preservation Ordinance Update, Project 22-45, increasing the project budget from $530,000 to 680,000 (Five votes required). 5. Transfer and appropriate $300,000 from the Land Use Documents Fee Reserve to Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan, Project 24-46, increasing the project budget from $1,510,000 to $1,810,000. (Five votes required)

  5. Agenda Ready
    Consent Calendar

    Plymouth Street to Space Park Way Realignment (Site Preparation Phase), Project 20-40-Construction Acceptance

    Accept Plymouth Street to Space Park Way Realignment (Tree Removal Phase), Project 20-40, and authorize the final contract payment.

  6. Agenda Ready
    Consent Calendar

    South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53-Various Actions

    Acting in its capacity as Board of Directors of the Shoreline Regional Park Community: 1. Appropriate and transfer $3,625,000 from the Sea Level Rise Reserve in the Shoreline Regional Park Community Fund to the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, increasing the project budget from $4,975,000 to $8,600,000. 2. Approve plans and specifications for the Bay Trail Improvements at Pond A2W (a subproject of South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53) and authorize staff to advertise the project for bids. 3. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to award a construction contract to the lowest responsible responsive bidder if the low bid is within the project budget of $8,600,000. 4. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to execute an Agreement for Sale of Mitigation Credits with San Francisco Bay Wetland Mitigation Bank for 0.1 acre of wetland mitigation credit and 0.05 acre of other waters mitigation credit to meet the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board mitigation requirements for the Bay Trail Improvements at Pond A2W, under South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, in a not-to-exceed amount of $345,000. 5. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to amend the professional services agreement with GHD, Inc., a California corporation (Entity No. 2889127), for South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, increasing compensation by $1,200,000 for additional design services, for a total amount not to exceed $1,800,000. 6. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to amend the professional services agreement with Marina Construction Management, Inc., a California corporation (Entity No. 6081240), for South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, increasing compensation by $432,680 for additional construction engineering services, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $680,000.

  7. Agenda Ready
    Public Hearing

    Single-Family Residential Development with 22 Units at 301, 309, 317, and 323 Moorpark Way and 301 Sylvan Avenue

    1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Conditionally Approving a Development Review Permit and a Special Design Permit to Redevelop the Project Site by Removing an Existing Single-Family Home, a Vacant Private School, and a Commercial Building to Construct 22 Single-Family Units Utilizing State Density Bonus Law, and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to Remove 26 Heritage Trees on a 2.51-Acre Site at 301, 309, 317, and 323 Moorpark Way and 301 Sylvan Avenue (APN: 161-05-003, 161-05-004, 161-05-005, 161-05-006, and 161-05-007), and Finding that the Project is Exempt from Review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (“In-Fill Development”) and Section 15302 (“Replacement or Reconstruction”), to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report). 2. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Conditionally Approving a Vesting Tentative Map to Combine Five Existing Parcels and Create 27 Parcels, Including 22 Residential Parcels and Five Common Parcels on a 2.51-Acre Lot at 301, 309, 317, and 323 Moorpark Way and 301 Sylvan Avenue (APN: 161-05-003, 161-05-004, 161-05-005, 161-05-006, and 161-05-007), to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 2 to the Council report).

  8. Agenda Ready
    Public Hearing

    Amendments to Chapter 46, Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance (First Reading)

    1. Introduce an Ordinance of the City of Mountain View Amending Mountain View City Code Chapter 46, Sections 46.5 and 46.6, to Modify Allowed Annual Rent Increases from the Current Combination of an Adjustment Limited to 100% of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward region, with a 2% Floor and 5% Ceiling to an Adjustment Limited to 60% of the CPI-U with No Floor and a 3% Ceiling, to be read in title only, further reading waived, and set a second reading for March 25, 2025 (Attachment 1 to the Council report). 2. Find that pursuant to California Code of Regulations Section 15060(c)(2), the proposed Code amendments are not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act because they will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment.

  9. Agenda Ready
    Public Hearing

    Toyota Dealership/Service Center at 2249-2283, 2319-2325, and 2385 Old Middlefield Way and 775 Independence Avenue

    Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Upholding the Zoning Administrator’s Environmental Determination and Approval of a Development Review Permit to Remove Two Commercial/Industrial Buildings, Including a Vacant 8,450 Square Foot Auto Service and Repair Building and a 14,880 Square Foot Office/Industrial Building, and Construct a New Two-Story, 39,399 Square Foot Automobile Dealership with Auto Service, Parts and Repair Facility for Toyota; and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to Remove 80 Heritage Trees (Including a Hedge of 61 Small Redwood Trees that meet the Definition of Heritage Trees) on a 2.4-acre Site at 2249 - 2283 Old Middlefield Way (APN 147-12-034), 2319 - 2325 Old Middlefield Way (APN 147-12-033) 2385 Old Middlefield Way (APN 147-12-061), and 775 Independence Avenue (APN 147-12-060), and Finding the Project to be Exempt from Review Under the California Environmental Quality Act, Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15332, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).


Youth Advisory Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Teen Week

    Teen Week Subcommittee members will continue to plan Teen Week, scheduled for March 17-21, 2025.

  2. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Subcommittee Updates

    The DEI subcommittee, Health and Wellness subcommittee, College and Career subcommittee, and Outreach and Collaboration Subcommittee will provide an update.

  3. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Minutes Approval

Rental Housing Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Consent Calendar

    Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act and Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance Financial Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2024-25 through December 31, 2024
  2. Agenda Ready
    Appeal Hearing

    Appeal of Hearing Officer's Decision Re: Petition Nos. C23240081 and C23240082

    MOTION - MS - Cox/ Keating - To: To accept the Tentative Appeal Decision in its entirety. The motion carried by the following vote:

  3. Agenda Ready
    Appeal Hearing

    Appeal of Hearing Officer's Decision Re: Petition Nos. C23240083 and C23240084

    MOTION - MS - Cox/ Ma - To: To accept the Tentative Appeal Decision in its entirety. The motion carried by the following vote:

  4. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Proposed Amendments to Chapter 13: Utility Charges of the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act Regulations

    MOTION - MS - Ma/ Cox - To: To adopt amendments to Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act (CSFRA) Regulations Chapter 13: Utility Charges clarifying certain aspects of the One-Time Utility Adjustment Petition process and amending Table 2 with regard to the timeframes for compliance.The motion carried by the following vote:

  5. Agenda Ready

    Expected Future Agenda Items for RHC Meetings: RHC Meeting Thursday March 27, 2025: - Study Session Tenant Anti-Harassment & Retaliation Protections
  6. Agenda Ready

    Upcoming Workshops and Housing Help Center Dates

Human Relations Commission

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Minutes Approval for February 6, 2025

    Minutes for the February 6, 2025, regular meeting have been delivered to the Commissioners and a copy has been posted to the City Hall bulletin board. If there are no corrections or additions, a motion is in order to approve these minutes.

  2. Agenda Ready
    Unfinished Business

    Climate Change Outreach Ad Hoc Committee

    The Climate Change Outreach Ad Hoc Committee will present an oral update. No action will be taken on this item.

  3. Agenda Ready
    Unfinished Business

    Civic Participation Ad Hoc Committee

    The Civic Participation Ad Hoc Committee will present an oral update. No action will be taken on this item.

  4. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Advisory Body Input on the Fiscal Years 2025-26 and 2026-27 Council Work Plan Potential Projects

    Review the proposed project list for the Fiscal Years 2025-26 and 2026-27 Council Work Plan and provide input on project prioritization. Action may be taken on this item.


Council Policy And Procedures Committee

Special Meeting

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Approve Minutes for November 20, 2024

    Approve the Council Policy and Procedures Committee meeting minutes of November 20, 2024 without modification.

  2. Passed
    New Business

    New Council Policy - Gatekeeper Authorization Process


  3. Agenda Ready
    Information Only

    Council Policy and Procedures Agenda Topics Update

    The Committee received an update from staff on the CPPC topics anticipated for Fiscal Year 2024-25.

  4. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Virtual Public Participation in the Meetings of Legislative Bodies

    The following members of the public spoke: - Bruce England - Silja Paymer - Emil Abraham Committee Members' consensus was to discuss this topic at the Councilmember Retreat.


Senior Advisory Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Minutes Approval

    Approve the Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) minutes of January 17, 2024.

  2. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Election of Chair and Vice Chair

    To nominate Chair and Vice Chair

  3. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    2025 Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting Schedule

    Review and approve the 2025 SAC meeting schedule

  4. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Development of Fiscal Year 2025-26 SAC Work Plan

    Develop and approve FY 2024-25 Work Plan.

Council Transportation Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Approve Meeting Minutes

    Enter Staff Recommendation Here, in Regular Text

  2. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Moffett Boulevard Complete Streets, Project 24-03

    Enter Staff Recommendation Here, in Regular Text

  3. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Castro Street and Rengstorff Grade Separation Projects

    Enter Staff Recommendation Here, in Regular Text

  4. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Active Transportation Plan

    Enter Staff Recommendation Here, in Regular Text

  5. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Staff Comments
  6. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Committee Comments

Downtown Committee

Meeting Canceled

    12 new matters since 7 days ago

    Filters for matters
    1. Agenda Ready
      Minutes Approval

      Minutes Approval


    2. Agenda Ready
      Consent Calendar

      Meeting Minutes February 26, 2025


    3. Agenda Ready
      New Business

      Teen Week
    4. Agenda Ready
      New Business

      Subcommittee Updates
    5. Agenda Ready
      Minutes Approval

      Minutes Approval
