McKinney City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

13 agenda updates since 14 days ago

City Council Regular Meeting

Filters for matters
  1. Regular Agenda Item

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to allow for Multi-Family Residential, Single-Family Residential, and Commercial Uses, and to Modify the Development Standards, Located on the Southeast and Southwest corner of Custer Road and FM 1461, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Feltus,that this Ordinance be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

  2. Approved
    Agenda Item

    Minutes of the McKinney Arts Commission Meeting of November 21, 2024

    This that this Agenda Item be Approved by consent roll call

  3. Approved

    Minutes of the Visit McKinney Meeting of November 26, 2024

    This that this Minutes be Approved by consent roll call

  4. Approved

    Minutes of the McKinney Armed Services Memorial Board Meeting of January 8, 2025

    This that this Minutes be Approved by consent roll call

  5. Approved

    Minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Board Meeting of December 12, 2024

    This that this Minutes be Approved by consent roll call

  6. Approved
    Agenda Item

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request for the Waiver of Roadway Impact Fees in Accordance with the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Impact Fee Waiver Program for a Proposed Multi-Family Development (Remnant at Greenwood I) Located on the South Side of Fitzhugh Street and on the East and West Sides of South Murray Street

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Franklin,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

  7. Approved
    Agenda Item

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request for the Waiver of Roadway Impact Fees in Accordance with the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Impact Fee Waiver Program for a Proposed Multi-Family Development (Remnant at Greenwood II) Located on the Northwest Corner of Drexel Street and Throckmorton Street and Southwest Corner of Drexel Street and Throckmorton Place

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Philips,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

  8. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and All Necessary Change Orders with Hellas Construction, Inc. of Austin, Texas, for the Construction of the McKinney Soccer Complex Renovations (PK1906)

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  9. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Cell Tower Lease Agreement with Anthemnet, Inc. for a Stealth Telecommunication Structure, Located on the South Side of the Intersection of Stars Avenue and Wellness Way

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  10. Approved
    Agenda Item

    Consider/Discuss/Act on the Annual Audit Results, the Acceptance of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and the Federal/State Single Audit Reports for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2024

    This that this Agenda Item be Approved by consent roll call

  11. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc. for Materials Testing Services for the Construction of the McKinney Soccer Complex Renovation Project and Authorizing Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  12. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Approving Fiscal Year 2024-25 Community Support Grant for Emmanuel Labor as Recommended by the Community Grants Advisory Commission

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  13. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution to Expand the Program Categories under the Community Support Grant Program

    A motion was made by Council member Franklin, seconded by Council member Cloutier,that this Resolution be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

  14. Approved
    Agenda Item

    Consider/Discuss/Act on Appointing a Member to the McKinney Arts Commission

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Franklin,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

  15. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Precision Fireworks, LLC to Produce the 2025 Red, White and Boom Pyrotechnical Display at Towne Lake Park

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  16. Information Sharing

    Proclamation for National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
  17. Information Sharing

    Proclamation for American Red Cross Month and Red Cross Giving Day
  18. Approved

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Specific Use Permit to Allow a Stealth Telecommunication Structure, Located on the South Side of the Intersection of Stars Avenue and Wellness Way, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Feltus,that this Ordinance be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

  19. Approved

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to Allow Detached Accessory Structures and to Modify the Development Standards, Located at 2041 Redbud Boulevard, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Feltus,that this Ordinance be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

  20. Approved

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “AG” - Agriculture District to “R12” - Residential District, “C2” - Local Commercial District, and “I1” - Light Industrial District, Located Approximately 900 Feet Northwest of the Intersection of County Road 317 and County Road 325 and on the North Side of County Road 317, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Franklin, seconded by Council member Cloutier,that this Ordinance be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

  21. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Adopting the Budget Policies and Guidelines for Fiscal Year 2025-26

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  22. Information Sharing
    Agenda Item

    Recognition of Paul Sparkman, Public Works
  23. Consent Item

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and File Applications for Federal Assistance on Behalf of the City of McKinney, Texas with the Federal Transit Administration for Federal Transportation Assistance Authorized by Certain Federal Statutes and to be Named as a Direct Recipient under 49 U.S.C. Section 5307
  24. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Binkley & Barefield, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the WW2541 - US 75 Parallel Line Master Plan Improvement Project and Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  25. Approved

    Consider/Discuss/ Act on a Resolution Approving the First Amendment and Exercise of Option Term of the lnterlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of McKinney, Texas, and Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Mobility Services, Local Government Corporation the related First Amendment and Exercise of Option Term of the lnterlocal Cooperation Agreement for "GoPass®," Subscription and License

    This that this Resolution be Approved by consent roll call

  26. Information Sharing

    Proclamation for Severe Weather Awareness Week
  27. Approved

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to Allow Detached Accessory Structures and to Modify the Development Standards, Located at 2041 Redbud Boulevard, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Feltus,that this Ordinance be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

  28. Approved

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “AG” - Agriculture District to “R12” - Residential District, “C2” - Local Commercial District, and “I1” - Light Industrial District, Located Approximately 900 Feet Northwest of the Intersection of County Road 317 and County Road 325 and on the North Side of County Road 317, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Franklin,that this Ordinance be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

  29. Approved

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Specific Use Permit to Allow a Stealth Telecommunication Structure, Located on the South Side of the Intersection of Stars Avenue and Wellness Way, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Feltus,that this Ordinance be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

  30. Regular Agenda Item

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to allow for Multi-Family Residential, Single-Family Residential, and Commercial Uses, and to Modify the Development Standards, Located on the Southeast and Southwest corner of Custer Road and FM 1461, and Accompanying Ordinance

    A motion was made by Council member Cloutier, seconded by Council member Feltus,that this Ordinance be Tabled to Another Meeting . The motion carried by the following vote.


Planning & Zoning Commission

Filters for matters
  1. Consent Item

    Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting of February 25, 2025
  2. Regular Agenda Item
    Agenda Item

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on Certain Amendments to Chapter 150, entitled “Unified Development Code,” of the Code of Ordinances, City of McKinney, Texas, to: (1) correct typographical errors and make nonsubstantive editorial changes to Article 2 (Zoning Regulations), including Appendix 2B (McKinney Town Center MTC); and (2) Make Certain Substantive Changes to Article 2 (Zoning Regulations), Specifically to Section 205 (Use Regulations) and Appendix 2B (McKinney Town Center MTC)
  3. Regular Agenda Item
    Agenda Item

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “BG” - General Business District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Located at 500 W University Drive
  4. Regular Agenda Item
    Agenda Item

    Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to Allow Multi-Family Residential Uses and Modify the Development Standards, Located on the South Side of Laud Howell Parkway and Located on the Northeast and Northwest Intersections of Laud Howell Parkway and Trinity Falls Parkway

Parks, Recreation, And Open Space Advisory Board

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready

    Minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Board Meeting of February 13, 2025
  2. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Director’s Report

Mckinney Main Street Board

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Consider/Discuss Financial Reports
  2. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    City Liaison Report
  3. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    “M” Group Reports
  4. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Director’s Report
  5. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Subcommittee Update
  6. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Consider/Discuss Upcoming Events
  7. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Consider/Discuss Strategic Planning Recap
  8. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Minutes of the McKinney Main Street Board Meeting of February 13, 2025

Mckinney Armed Services Memorial Board

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready

    Minutes of the McKinney Armed Services Memorial Board Meeting of February 12, 2025
  2. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Board and Liaison Reports Board Chair City of McKinney McKinney Parks and Recreation
  3. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Discuss 2025 Memorial Day Ceremony

Historic Preservation Advisory Board

Filters for matters
  1. Information Sharing
    Agenda Item

    Discuss Preservation Law
  2. Consent Item

    Minutes of the Historic Preservation Advisory Board Regular Meeting of February 6, 2025

Mckinney Economic Development Corporation

Special Meeting

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    2025 Strategic Planning Session

City Council Work Session

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    2024 Development Activity Recap
  2. Agenda Ready
    Agenda Item

    Proclamation for Procurement Month

Joint Meeting

Joint Meeting Of The Mckinney City Council And The Mckinney Independent School District Board Of Trustees

    Mckinney Community Development Corporation

    Filters for matters
    1. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Minutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation of January 23, 2025.

      A motion was made by Booth, seconded by Riche,that this Agenda Item be Approved to the City Council Regular Meeting, due back on 3/18/2025. The motion carried by the following vote.

    2. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Minutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Potential Projects Subcommittee Meeting of December 5, 2024.

      Approved and Referred to the City Council Regular Meeting due back on 3/18/2025

    3. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Minutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Finance Subcommittee Meeting of January 15, 2025.

      Approved and Referred to the City Council Regular Meeting due back on 3/18/2025

    4. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Minutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Promotional and Community Event Grant Subcommittee of January 14, 2025.

      Approved and Referred to the City Council Regular Meeting due back on 3/18/2025

    5. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by Hugs Cafe (4B 25-01) in the Amount of Nine Hundred Seventy Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($970,000.00) for Infrastructure Costs Associated with the Construction of a New Hugs Headquarters to be Located at 803 Green Street, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 9.7% of Total Project Cost.

      A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Bradford,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    6. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by the Collin County History Museum (4B 25-02) in the Amount of Thirty-One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Five and N0/100 Dollars ($31,475.00) for the Purchase of Equipment and Materials to be Used for Collecting and Preserving Historic Artifacts for Exhibits, Shelving and Cases for Storage of Artifacts, Museum Exhibits, and Mobile Workstations. Amount Represents 100% of Total Project Cost.

      A motion was made by Wilkes, seconded by Micheletto,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    7. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by McKinney Parks Foundation (4B 25-03) in the Amount of Twenty Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($20,000.00) to Fund Purchase of a Polaris Sportsman ATV and a Bosski 1600 UT Trailer Accessory to Facilitate Trail Improvement Projects. Amount Requested Represents 100% of Total Project Cost.

      A motion was made by Booth, seconded by Bradford,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    8. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by ClubCorp NV XXVI, LLC (Invited Clubs) (4B 25-04) in an Amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($1,500,000.00) for Infrastructure and Site Improvements to Stabilize Erosion of the Creek at TPC Craig Ranch Located at 8000 Collin McKinney Parkway, McKinney, Texas.

      A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Riche,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    9. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by Habitat for Humanity of Collin County (4B 25-05) in the Amount of Four Hundred Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-Five and NO/100 Dollars ($411,455.00) to Support Construction of Ten Townhomes (Five Units with Two Townhomes Each) in the Cotton Groves Development Located on Kings Row in East McKinney.

      A motion was made by Booth, seconded by Wilkes,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    10. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by Cannon Development Company Texas, LLC (4B 25-07) in an Amount of Four Million and NO/100 Dollars ($4,000,000.00) for Infrastructure Improvements to Land Located at the Northeast Intersection of State Highway 121 and Stacy Road in McKinney, Texas in Preparation for the Construction of Cannon Beach, a Mixed-Use Adventure Entertainment Destination.

      A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Micheletto,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    11. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by Heritage Guild of Collin County (4B 25-08) in the Amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-One and No/100 Dollars ($25,481.00) for Site Improvements to Correct Drainage Issues and to Secure the Foundation of the Dulaney Cottage at Chestnut Square Heritage Village, Located at 315 S. Chestnut in McKinney. Amount Requested Represents 63% of Total Project Cost.

      A motion was made by Booth, seconded by Bradford,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    12. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on Increasing Promotional and Community Event Grant Award for Application Submitted by McKinney Main Street (PC 25-13) to Correct an Error in Amount Awarded on January 23, 2025, for the Advertising, Marketing and Promotion of the 2025 Arts in Bloom Event, to $13,000.00.

      A motion was made by Booth, seconded by Wilkes,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    13. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Update on Roy and Helen Hall Library Re-imagined.
    14. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Sugar Rush Holdings, LLC (dba Cami Cakes) (RI 25-01) in an Amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Two and 25/100 Dollars ($25,332.25) for Relocation of a Grease Trap at the Site of Their Bakery Located at 2950 Craig Drive, Suite 302, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.

      A motion was made by Booth, seconded by Riche,that this Agenda Item be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

    15. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application (RI 25-02) Submitted by The Cotton Mill in the Amount of Twenty-Three Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Five and NO/100 Dollars ($23,745.00) for Construction of a Sidewalk Connecting Two Parking Lots to Provide Direct Access to Retail Shops at The Cotton Mill and the Installation of Security Lighting Along the New Walkway. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.

      A motion was made by Bradford, seconded by Micheletto,that this Agenda Item be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

    16. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. (RI 25-03) in an Amount of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($10,800.00) for Installation of Wrought Iron Security Fencing Surrounding The Inn Style Retail Store, Located at 103 East University Drive, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.

      A motion was made by Booth, seconded by Micheletto,that this Agenda Item be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

    17. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Minutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Potential Projects Subcommittee Meeting of February 3, 2025.

      Approved and Referred to the City Council Regular Meeting due back on 3/18/2025

    18. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by The City of McKinney (4B 25-06) in the Amount of Thirty Million and NO/100 Dollars ($30,000,000.00) for the Construction of Eastside Airport Infrastructure and Passenger Terminal Elements Including Taxiways, Aprons, and other Airport Facilities, at McKinney National Airport, 1508 Industrial Blvd, McKinney, TX 75069.

      A motion was made by Bradford, seconded by Kelly,that this Agenda Item be Close the public hearing . The motion carried by the following vote.

    19. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request from Lelo’s Coffee Co. for a Second Extension to the Term of the Loan Agreement Executed with McKinney Community Development Corporation for Project RI 23-01 to April 15, 2025.

      A motion was made by Micheletto, seconded by Riche,that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote.

    20. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by The City of McKinney (4B 25-06) in the Amount of Thirty Million and NO/100 Dollars ($30,000,000.00) for the Construction of Eastside Airport Infrastructure and Passenger Terminal Elements Including Taxiways, Aprons, and other Airport Facilities, at McKinney National Airport, 1508 Industrial Blvd, McKinney, TX 75069.

      A motion was made by Micheletto, seconded by Riche,that this Agenda Item be Tabled to Another Meeting . The motion carried by the following vote.


    Planning & Zoning Commission

    Filters for matters
    1. Regular Agenda Item
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “GC” - Government Complex District, Located at 1400 S. College Street
    2. Regular Agenda Item
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “RS 84” - Single Family Residence to “TR1.8” - Townhome Residential District, Located at 1405 N Graves Street
    3. Regular Agenda Item
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “AG” - Agriculture District and “RED-2” - Residential Estate District to “I1” - Light Industrial District, Located on the Northwest Corner of Airport Drive and Old Mill Road
    4. Minutes

      Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting of February 11, 2025

    Visit Mckinney

    Filters for matters
    1. Agenda Ready

      Minutes of the Visit McKinney Meeting of January 28, 2025
    2. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Executive Director’s Report

    Community Grants Advisory Commission

    Filters for matters
    1. Agenda Ready

      Minutes of the Community Grants Advisory Commission Meeting of December 10, 2024

      Approved and Referred to the City Council Regular Meeting due back on 3/18/2025

    2. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider /Discuss FY 2025-2026 Consolidated Grants Application Process
    3. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider / Discuss Program Updates: CDBG, CSG and Community Development Activities
    4. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider Funding Recommendations or Program Changes Under the McKinney FY 2024-2025 Community Support Grant.

    17 new matters since 7 days ago

    Filters for matters
    1. Regular Agenda Item
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “BG” - General Business District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Located at 500 W University Drive


    2. Consent Item

      Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting of February 25, 2025


    3. Regular Agenda Item
      Agenda Item

      Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to Allow Multi-Family Residential Uses and Modify the Development Standards, Located on the South Side of Laud Howell Parkway and Located on the Northeast and Northwest Intersections of Laud Howell Parkway and Trinity Falls Parkway


    4. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Director’s Report
    5. Agenda Ready

      Minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Board Meeting of February 13, 2025


    6. Agenda Ready

      Minutes of the McKinney Housing Finance Corporation Meeting of December 13, 2024


    7. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss Upcoming Events
    8. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss Strategic Planning Recap
    9. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Consider/Discuss Financial Reports
    10. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Minutes of the McKinney Main Street Board Meeting of February 13, 2025


    11. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Subcommittee Update
    12. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Director’s Report
    13. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      “M” Group Reports
    14. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      City Liaison Report
    15. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Discuss 2025 Memorial Day Ceremony
    16. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Item

      Board and Liaison Reports Board Chair City of McKinney McKinney Parks and Recreation
    17. Agenda Ready

      Minutes of the McKinney Armed Services Memorial Board Meeting of February 12, 2025
