Los Angeles County City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

2 agenda updates since 14 days ago

Board Of Supervisors

Agenda Posted: March 6, 2025 Meeting Televised: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 At 11:00 P.m. On Klcs

Filters for matters
  1. Consent Calendar

    County Sanitation District No. 27 and Newhall Ranch Sanitation District Recommendations and Approval of Minutes 1. Recommendation: Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held December 3, 2024 (District No. 27) (3) and (Newhall Ranch Sanitation District) (5); 2. Recommendation: Approve October, November, and December 2024 expenses in total amounts of $12,142 (District No. 27) and $122,210 (Newhall Ranch Sanitation District); and 3. Recommendation: Receive and order filed the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year (FY) ending June 30, 2024 (both Districts); 4. Recommendation: Wastewater Service Charge (Newhall Ranch Sanitation District) (5) a. Order Wastewater Service Charge Report, containing a description of each parcel and amount of proposed wastewater service charge for FY 2025-26 for each parcel, filed with the Clerk of the Board of Directors of the District(s); and b. Establish June 24, 2025 at 9:30 a.m., at the Board of Supervisors as the date, time, and place for public hearing on the report, and order publication of required public notices.
  2. Consent Calendar

    Regional Park and Open Space District Meeting Minutes for January 2025, for which the Board is the Governing Body, as recommended by the Executive Officer of the Board. NOTE: The minutes for the month of January 2025 can be found online at: https://lacounty.gov/sop/
  3. Consent Calendar

    Additions to the agenda which were posted more than 72 hours in advance of the meeting, as indicated on the supplemental agenda.
  4. Consent Calendar

    Items not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred to staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board, or matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (5)
  5. Consent Calendar

    Recommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or otherwise modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes, consistent with the Los Angeles County Code.
  6. Consent Calendar

    Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts Recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for Commissions/Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments): Documents on file in the Executive Office. Supervisor Hilda L. Solis Joseph W. Waz, Jr., Quality and Productivity Commission Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell Debora M. Bright-Laney+, and Sherron A. Rouzan+, Assessment Appeals Board Ronnie Jayne+, Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission; also waive limitation of length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section 3.13.030B Jordan Greer, Los Angeles County Citizens’ Economy and Efficiency Commission Emmanuel Alcantar+, and Kevin J. Patel+, Los Angeles County Youth Climate Commission Supervisor Kathryn Barger Rebecca Birotte+, Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs Commission on HIV Ismael Salamanca, Gerald Green (Alternate), Jeremy Mitchell (Alternate), Aaron Raines (Alternate), Sabel Samone-Loreca (Alternate), Carlos A. Vega-Matos (Alternate) Rob Lester, Planning, Priorities & Allocations Committee Olga Marie Davis, Public Policy Committee Caitlin Dolan, Standards & Best Practices Committee Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation Jermaine Hampton, Workforce Development Board
  7. Consent Calendar

    Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes for January 2025 and Special Districts for which the Board is the Governing body, as recommended by the Executive Officer of the Board. NOTE: The minutes for the month of January 2025 can be found online at: https://lacounty.gov/sop/
  8. Consent Calendar

    Ordinance Change Authorizing an Increase to Civil and Criminal Grand Jury Daily Stipend Recommendation: Approve an ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 4 - Revenue and Finance, Section 4.76.020 Payment of Fees to grand jurors, to increase the daily stipend for all Grand Jurors from $60 to $80. (Relates to Agenda No. 46)
  9. Consent Calendar

    Negotiated Exchange of Property Joint Resolution Recommendation: Adopt a joint resolution between the Board, as the Governing Body of the County, Consolidated Fire Protection District, the County Flood Control District, and on behalf of County Lighting Maintenance District (CLMD) 1687, County Lighting District Landscaping and Lighting Act-1 (CLD LLA-1), Unincorporated Zone, Road District No. 5, and LA County Library, and the City Council of the City of San Gabriel (1), based on the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue resulting from proposed Annexation No. 2022-09, to annex approximately 0.172± acres of inhabited territory to the City of San Gabriel; withdraw the territory proposed for annexation from CLMD 1687 and exclude the territory proposed for annexation from CLD LLA-1, Unincorporated Zone; and find that the proposed joint resolution is not subject to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act.
  10. Consent Calendar

    General Plan Amendment Resolution Recommendation: Adopt a resolution on: (1) WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY AREA PLAN ("WSGVAP") project (WSGVAP Project): (A) Certifying the final Program Environmental Impact Review (Final PEIR), Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2023005884-(1 and 5), and finding it has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State and County guidelines related thereto; certifying it independently reviewed and considered the Final PEIR, and the Final PEIR reflects its independent judgment and analysis as to the environmental consequences of the WSGVAP Project; (B) Determining that, where significant adverse environmental effects of the WSGVAP Project, as described in the Final PEIR, have not been reduced to a level of less than significant, the benefits of the WSGVAP and WSGVAP Ordinance, such as specific social, economic, legal, technological, or other considerations, outweigh the environmental effects of the WSGVAP Project, as stated in the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the WSGVAP Project; (C) Adopting the Mitigation Monitoring Report Program (MMRP) for the WSGVAP Project, finding the MMRP is adequately designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during WSGVAP Project implementation; (D) Finding the WSGVAP, accompanying Land Use Policy (LUP) Map, zone changes, and WSGVAP Ordinance are compatible with, and supportive of the goals and policies of the General Plan; in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare; in conformity with good zoning practice; and consistent with other applicable provisions of the Los Angeles County Code, Title 22 (Title 22); and (E) Adopting the WSGVAP and WSGVAP Ordinance, Project No. PRJ2023-003982-(1 and 5), General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023005882-(1 and 5), Zone Change No. RPPL2023005883-(1 and 5), Ordinance No. RPPL2024002630-(1 and 5) amending the County of Los County (County) General Plan (General Plan) to establish the WSGVAP with the updated LUP Map for the nine unincorporated communities of the WSGVAP; amending Title 22 to establish the WSGVAP Ordinance and updated zone changes and rescinding the Altadena Community Plan, as recommended by the County Regional Planning Commission (Commission); and find they are consistent with the General Plan. (On December 10, 2024, the Board indicated its intent to approve the WSGVAP); (2) SOUTH BAY AREA PLAN (SBAP) Project (SBAP Project): (A) Certifying the Final PEIR, Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2022014512-(2 and 4), and finding it has been prepared in compliance with CEQA and the State and County guidelines related thereto; and certifying it independently reviewed and considered the Final PEIR, and the Final PEIR reflects its independent judgment and analysis as to the environmental consequences of the SBAP Project; (B) Determining that, where significant adverse environmental effects of the SBAP Project, as described in the Final PEIR, have not been reduced to a level of less than significant, the benefits of the SBAP and SBAP Ordinance outweigh the environmental effects of the SBAP Project, as stated in the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the SBAP Project; (C) Adopting the MMRP for the SBAP Project, finding that the MMRP is adequately designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during SBAP Project implementation; (D) Finding the SBAP, the accompanying LUP Map, zone changes, SBAP Ordinance, and West Carson TOD Specific Plan compatible with, and supportive of the goals and policies of the General Plan; in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare; in conformity with good zoning practice; and consistent with other applicable provisions of Title 22; and (E) Adopting General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023-004724-(2 and 4), Advance Planning No. RPPL2022014508-(2 and 4), Advance Planning No. RPPL2022014509-(2 and 4), and Zone Change No. RPPL2023004725-(2 and 4), amending the General Plan to establish the SBAP with the updated LUP Map for the eight unincorporated communities of the South Bay Planning Area, and amending Title 22 to establish the SBAP Ordinance and updated zone changes, including the West Carson TOD Specific Plan, and finding they are consistent with the General Plan. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to approve the SBAP); and (3) WESTSIDE AREA PLAN (WSAP) project (WSAP Project): (A) Certifying the Final PEIR, Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2023002449-(2 and 3), by finding, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15090, that the Final PEIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA; certifying it independently reviewed and considered the Final PEIR; and the Final PEIR reflects the County’s independent judgment and analysis; (B) Adopting the CEQA Findings of Fact that have been prepared, pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 21081 and 21081.5, and CEQA Guidelines Section 15091; (C) Adopting the MMRP for the WSAP Project, finding the MMRP is adequately designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during WSAP Project implementation; (D) Adopting the Statement of Overriding Considerations prepared, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081(b) and CEQA Guidelines section 15093; and determining the WSAP Project’s significant and unavoidable impacts are outweighed by specific social, economic, legal, technological, or other considerations; and (E) Adopting WSAP Project No. PRJ2023-001700-(2 and 3), Advance Planning Project No. RPPL2023002448-(2 and 3), General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023002433-(2 and 3), and Zone Change No. RPPL2023002450-(2 and 3), the accompanying LUP Map, and zone changes; and finds the WSAP Ordinance, as amended, compatible with, and supportive of the goals and policies of the General Plan; in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare; in conformity with good zoning practice; and consistent with other applicable provisions of Title 22. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to approve the WSAP) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates Agenda Nos. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39)
  11. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending the Los Angeles County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning, Section 22.06.060, changing regulations for the execution of the Westside Area Plan, a component of the Los Angeles County General Plan, by amending the maps of the following zoned districts: View Park No. 68, Baldwin Hills No. 69, Playa Del Rey No. 89, Franklin Canyon No. 123, and Gilmore Island. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda Nos. 13 and 39)
  12. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending Title 22 - Planning and Zoning of the Los Angeles County Code, to implement the goals and policies of the West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan by reorganizing existing standards into the new areawide West San Gabriel Valley Planning Area Standards District, adding new regulations, updating existing standards and permitting requirements, and making technical corrections to Title 22 for clarification and ease of implementation. (On December 10, 2024, the Board indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda Nos. 13 and 34)
  13. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending the Los Angeles County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning, Section 22.06.060, changing regulations for the execution of the West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan, a component of the Los Angeles County General Plan, by amending the maps of the following zoned districts: Altadena No. 3, Duarte No. 46, East Pasadena No. 12, East San Gabriel No. 9, La Crescenta No. 16, Montrose No. 26, Northeast Pasadena No. 85, Rosemead No. 20, San Pasqual No. 11, South Arcadia No. 67, South San Gabriel No. 78, and South Santa Anita-Temple City No. 8. (On December 10, 2024, the Board indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda Nos. 13 and 38)
  14. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending Title 22 - Planning and Zoning of the Los Angeles County Code to implement the goals and policies of the West Carson Transit-Oriented District Specific Plan by updating use regulations and development standards to guide future transit-oriented development in the unincorporated West Carson community and expanding the Specific Plan area to cover Alpine Village. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda Nos. 13, 33 and 36)
  15. Consent Calendar

    Writing Evaluation Services Contract Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Personnel to execute a contract with CPS HR Consulting, for the provision of writing evaluation services, effective upon execution, for an initial term of three years, with up to two consecutive one-year extension options at an estimated amount of $183,000 for the initial three-year term; exercise the two one-year extension options at an annual approximate amount of $61,000 and an approximate total amount of $122,000; execute amendments to the contract to add, delete, and/or change certain non-substantive terms and conditions, as well as terms and conditions required by the Board, and to maintain compliance with applicable law; and increase the annual contract amount up to 10% for additional work within the scope of the contract, if required. (Department of Human Resources) APPROVE
  16. Consent Calendar

    Records Payment and Processing System and Related Services Sole Source Contract Recommendation: Authorize the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to execute a Sole Source contract with LexisNexis VitalChek Network, Inc., for a records payment and processing system and related services, for a period of five base years, with two one-year and six month-to-month extensions options, for a maximum term of seven years and six months; prepare and execute future amendments to exercise the extension options; and authorize the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to take the following actions: (Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk) APPROVE (NOTE: The Chief Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) Prepare and execute future amendments to the contract as needed to reflect changes resulting from new legislation or changes to County policy terms and conditions, reflect changes in State and County legislation, modify the statement of work to meet operational needs, or make any other necessary changes which do not materially alter any term or condition of the contract; Prepare and execute future amendments to increase transaction fees in Exhibit B (Pricing Schedule) per Paragraph 5.0 of the contract; and Terminate the contract in whole or in part as necessary.
  17. Consent Calendar

    Special Tax Levy for Community Facilities District No. 2021-01 (Valencia - Facilities) Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County, find that the proposed actions are either not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and that alternatively, for that portion of the proposed actions that provide funding for the Mission Village Project, Project No. 04-181 (Project) (5), which was approved by the Board on July 18, 2017, determine that the recommended action is within the scope of the Mission Village Project impacts analyzed in a Recirculated Environmental Impact Report (REIR) previously certified by the Board; Also, acting as the Legislative Body of the County of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 2021-01 (Valencia - Facilities) (the “Facilities CDF”), adopt a resolution accepting the unanimous consent and approval of owners of property within the area proposed to be annexed as Improvement Area No. 4 of the Facilities Community Facilities District, authorizing the levy of a special tax and the incurring of bonded indebtedness therein, and instruct the Executive Officer of the Board to sign and record the annexation map of Improvement Area No. 4 and record a notice of special tax lien with respect thereto within 15 days; and find that the proposed action is not a project under CEQA; alternatively, for that portion of the proposed action that relates to the Mission Village Project, Project No. 04-181, acting as a responsible agency, consider the REIR prepared and certified by the County as lead agency for the Project; certify that the Board has independently reviewed and considered the information contained in the REIR and reached its own conclusions regarding the environmental effects of the Facilities CFD's approvals related to the Project as shown in the REIR; adopt the mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP) as applicable, finding that the MMRP is adequately designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during Project implementation; and determine that the significant adverse effects of the Project have either been reduced to an acceptable level or are outweighed by the specific considerations of the Project, as outlined in the Environmental Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, which findings and statement are adopted an incorporated herein by reference as applicable. (Treasurer and Tax Collector and Department of Regional Planning) ADOPT
  18. Consent Calendar

    Treasurer and Tax Collector Investment Policy Recommendation: Authorize the Treasurer and Tax Collector to invest and reinvest County funds and funds of other depositors in the County Treasury; and adopt the Treasurer and Tax Collector Investment Policy. (Treasurer and Tax Collector) ADOPT
  19. Consent Calendar

    Interagency Cash Transfer Agreement Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign a resolution authorizing the Interagency Cash Transfer Agreement with the State of California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2025-26, 2026-27 and 2027-28; approve and authorize the Director of Mental Health to execute the agreement with DOR to provide vocational and employment services for FYs 2025-26, 2026-27, and 2027-28, with the Department of Mental Health to provide $1,104,817 per fiscal year, fully funded by 2011 Realignment revenue and the DOR will leverage $4,082,118 of Federal funds per fiscal year, for a total annual funding of $5,186,935 for the integrated program of vocational rehabilitation and employment services; authorize the Director to prepare, sign, and execute future amendments to the agreement, provided that any such amendment is necessary to reflect revisions required by the DOR and/or revisions requested by either party to the terms and conditions, and/or allow for rollover of unspent funds upon DOR approval; and authorize the Director to terminate the agreement, if necessary. (Department of Mental Health) ADOPT
  20. Consent Calendar

    Continue the Declared Local Health Emergency for the January 2025 Critical Fires Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign a resolution to continue the local health emergency declared on January 10, 2025 due to the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events. (Department of Public Health) ADOPT
  21. Consent Calendar

    As-Needed Environmental Consulting Services Master Agreements Revised recommendation: Approve and authorize the Director of Beaches and Harbors to award and execute as-needed Environmental Consulting Services Master Agreements (MAs) with 11 contractors to provide as-needed environmental consulting services to the Department of Beaches and Harbors (2, 3 and 4), for an initial term of three years, with four one-year extension options, effective upon execution, at an annual aggregate amount not to exceed $1,000,000 or a maximum amount of $7,700,000 for all executed MAs over the potential total term of seven years, which is inclusive of any potential increase of 10% annually for any unforeseen increase in services; find that the proposed actions are not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Beaches and Harbors) APPROVE Authorize and execute the four one-year extension options of the MAs if, in the opinion of the Director, the contractors have effectively performed the services during the previous contract period and the services are still needed and required; Increase the maximum amount payable under all work orders issued on the MAs up to 10% in any year of the MAs, including any extension option, for any additional, unforeseen, or increased services within the scope of the MAs, subject to the availability of funds in the Department of Beaches and Harbors’ (Department’s) budget, and increase the annual aggregate amount (Contract Sum) to the extent that funding is available from or held by approved funding sources; Extend the MA term, or any optional MA year, to grant up to 12 one-month extensions for the completion of any work order approved before the expiration of the MA term or optional MA year, subject to the MAs terms and conditions, and subject to the availability of funds in the Department’s budget; and Award and execute MAs to add additional contractors as they become qualified throughout the term of the MAs, execute and amend individual work orders to incorporate changes as necessary, execute amendments should a contracting entity merge, be acquired or change its entity, add or delete services and categories to the MA as they become necessary, and suspend or terminate agreements if, in the opinion of the Director, it is in the best interest of the County to do so.
  22. Consent Calendar

    Landscaping and Lighting Act District 2, Zone 21 (Sunset Pointe) for Fiscal Year 2025-26 Recommendation: Approve and file the Engineer’s Report; adopt a resolution of intention for the proposed increase to the existing landscape maintenance assessment, for Landscaping and Lighting Act District 2, Zone 21 (Sunset Pointe) (5) from $750 to $1,257.19 for a single-family residence starting in Fiscal Year 2025- 26; set April 29, 2025 for public hearing; and find that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) ADOPT
  23. Consent Calendar

    Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County, the County Library, the Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley (5), adopt a Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution (Resolution) approving and accepting the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue resulting from Annexation 40-167 (4-223), Local Agency Formation Commission Designation 2024-06, on behalf of the County, the County Library, the Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley; authorize the Director of Public Works and the Chief of the Consolidated Fire Protection District, on behalf of the County, the County Library, the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley, and the Consolidated Fire Protection District, to take all actions necessary to effectuate the Resolution; and find that the proposed actions are either not a project under, or are exempt from, the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) ADOPT
  24. Consent Calendar

    Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County, the Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley (5), adopt a Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution (Resolution) approving and accepting the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue resulting from Annexation 40-157 (34-46), Local Agency Formation Commission Designation 2023-01, on behalf of the County, the Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley; authorize the Director of Public Works and the Chief of the Consolidated Fire Protection District, on behalf of the County, the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley, and the Consolidated Fire Protection District, to take all actions necessary to effectuate the Resolution; and find that the proposed actions are either not a project under, or exempt from, the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) ADOPT
  25. Consent Calendar

    Annual and On-Call Soft-Bottom Channel Facility Clearing Services Contract Recommendation: Award and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute a contract with International Environmental Corporation, for annual and on-call soft-bottom channel facility clearing services within the west maintenance area of the County (1, 3 and 5), for a term of one year, with four one-year and six month-to-month extension options, for a maximum potential contract term of 66 months, and a maximum potential contract amount of $2,164,653; find that the contract work is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) APPROVE Renew the contract for each renewal option and extension period if, in the opinion of the Director, International Environmental Corporation has successfully performed during the previous contract period, and services are still required, approve and execute amendments to incorporate necessary changes within the scope of work, and suspend work, if it is in the best interest of the County to do so; and Annually increase the contract amount up to an additional 10% of the annual contract amount, which is included in the maximum potential contract amount, for unforeseen additional work within the scope of the contract if required, and adjust the annual contract amount for each extension option year over the term of the contract to allow for an annual Cost of Living Adjustment, in accordance with County policy and the terms of the contract.
  26. Consent Calendar

    Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Emergency Department Air Handling Unit Coil Replacement Project Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Emergency Department Air Handling Unit Coil Replacement Project, Capital Project No. 8A100, (Project) (3), with a total Project budget of $650,000; approve a Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 appropriation adjustment to allocate $438,000 from the Department of Health Services' Enterprise Fund Committed for Health Services to fund the estimated FY 2024-25 expenditures for the proposed Project; authorize the Director of Public Works to deliver the proposed Project using a Board-approved Job Order Contract; and find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES
  27. Consent Calendar

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Medical Campus North Parking Structure Project Recommendation: Certify that the Addendum for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Medical Campus North Parking Structure Project, Capital Project No. 6A015 (Project) (2), to the previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Medical Center Campus Redevelopment Project, has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the County; find that the Board has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Addendum together with the Final Environmental Impact Report, prior to approving the Project, and approve the Addendum; establish and approve the Project, with a total budget of $25,000,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to transfer $25,000,000 to the proposed Project from the use of obligated fund balance Committed for American Rescue Plan-Enabled Capital Programs, to fully fund the Project; and take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES Find that McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., is the responsive and responsible proposer that submitted the most advantageous and best value proposal for the Project, and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute a Design-Build contract with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., for a contract amount not to exceed $16,155,321, plus a design completion allowance of $850,000, for a maximum contract amount of $17,005,321, contingent upon submission of acceptable performance and payment bonds, and evidence of required insurance filed by McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.; Authorize the Director of Public Works, with concurrence from the Chief Executive Office, to exercise control of the design completion allowance of $850,000, including the authority to reallocate the allowance into the contract amount, as appropriate, in accordance with the contract requirements; and Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute consultant services agreements for the stipend amount of $50,000 with Bomel Construction Company, Inc., and The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, the second and third highest ranked eligible Design-Build proposers, that met the stipend eligibility criteria in the Request for Proposals for preparation of proposal, funded by existing Project funds.
  28. Consent Calendar

    Program Evaluation Services Contract Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to execute a contract with Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. for the provision of program evaluation services under the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act (JJCPA), for a one-year period commencing April 15, 2025 through April 14, 2026, at an estimated annual contract amount of $450,000; execute contract modifications to extend the term for up to six one-year periods, and six month-to-month option periods, for a total of seven years and six months; execute modifications to increase and/or decrease the contract amount, based on the amount approved for that year, by the JJCPA, to be allocated to the Probation Department; and approve non-material, technical, and administrative changes to the contract, approve necessary changes to the scope of service and, if necessary, termination of the contract, in whole or in part. (Probation Department) APPROVE
  29. Consent Calendar

    Acquisition of Two Pieces of Sheet Metal Fabrication Equipment Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County's Purchasing Agent, to proceed with the solicitation and acquisition of one Cincinnati HS Series Hydraulic Shear and one Cincinnati 135XFe Hydraulic Press Brake for an estimated total amount of $685,000, which includes equipment, shipping, labor for installation, bonds, and taxes. (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE
  30. Consent Calendar

    Commemorative 175th Anniversary Badge Program Agreement Amendment Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Internal Services, through the Executive Officer of the Board, to amend an agreement and issue a temporary license to Entenmann-Rovin, the County's authorized badge vendor, to be the retail distributor of the commemorative 175th anniversary badge using the Department's name and insignias; authorize the Sheriff to allow authorized sworn designated uniformed personnel to participate in the optional and voluntary Program and wear the specially-designed commemorative 175th anniversary badge from April 1, 2025, through May 1, 2026; and authorize the retention of the commemorative badges at the end of the authorized period as keepsakes so long as they are encased in a block of Lucite, or similar materials, to render the badges unusable for active service. (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE
  31. Consent Calendar

    PIX Cloverleaf Application Management Services Contract Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Executive Director of Information Systems Advisory Board to finalize and execute a contract with lnfor Public Sector, Inc. for PIX Cloverleaf Application Management Services, for a period of six years and up to four one-year extension options, for maximum total contract amount of $10,529,000 for the 10-year term; and authorize the Executive Director to take the following actions: During the term of the contract, execute change notices to the contract, which do not affect the scope or work, payment amounts, or any other term or condition included under the contract, and if necessary, terminate the contract for convenience; and During the term of the contract, execute amendments to the contract that elect to extend the term of the contract for an extended term, do not materially affect the scope of work, payment amounts, or any term or condition included in the contract, provide written consent to an assignment or delegation under Paragraph 8.2 (Assignment and Delegation/Mergers or Acquisitions) of the contract, approve and make necessary changes to the scope of services to comply with the County's Protection of Electronic County Information, implement a reduction pursuant to Paragraph 8.4 (Budget Reductions) of the contract, and/or implement orders from the Board to add or change terms and conditions in the contract.
  32. Consent Calendar

    Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Christensen Brothers General Engineering, Inc. v. Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 40, et al. Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of the matter entitled, Christensen Brothers General Engineering, Inc. v. Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 40, et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 20STCV35076, in the amount of $295,000, and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement from the Department of Public Works' budget. This breach of contract lawsuit seeks damages against the Department of Public Works for costs incurred on an improvement project for the installation of a water-main pipeline in Lancaster.
  33. Consent Calendar

    Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Erica Folinsky v. County of Los Angeles, et al. Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of the matter entitled, Erica Folinsky v. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 19STCV24605, in the amount of $150,000, and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement from the Department of Mental Health's budget. This lawsuit concerns allegations that an employee of the Department of Mental Health was subjected to disability discrimination and retaliation.
  34. Consent Calendar

    East Whittier City School District Levying of Taxes Request from the East Whittier City School District (District): Adopt a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the District’s General Obligation Bonds, 2024 Election, Series A (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $27,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2025-26 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT
  35. To Be Introduced

    County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning, to implement the goals and policies of the South Bay Area Plan by establishing a new area-wide South Bay Planning Area Standards District and making technical corrections to Title 22 for clarification and ease of implementation. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda Nos.13, 33 and 37)
  36. To Be Introduced

    County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending the Los Angeles County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning, Section 22.06.060, changing regulations for the execution of the South Bay Area Plan, a component of the Los Angeles County General Plan, by amending the maps of the following zoned districts: Carson No. 105, Del Aire No. 74, Gardena Valley No. 86, Harbor City No. 66, La Rambla No. 55, Lennox No. 63, and Palos Verdes Peninsula No. 112. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda Nos. 13, 36 and 37)
  37. To Be Introduced

    County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending Title 22 - Planning and Zoning of the Los Angeles County Code, to implement the goals and policies of the Westside Area Plan by establishing the Westside Planning Area Standards District with new land use regulations, zoning maps, and permitting requirements. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT (Relates to Agenda Nos. 13 and 35)
  38. Continued

    Continue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms beginning January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January 17, 2023; (d) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property on the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23, 2023 affecting the areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on March 1, 2023 and ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the arrival, presence, and impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los Angeles County beginning August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20, 2023 and ratified by the Board on August 22, 2023; (f) Conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of winter storms in the County beginning February 1, 2024, as proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by the Board on February 6, 2024; (g) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the Bridge Fire in the County beginning on September 8, 2024, as proclaimed on September 10, 2024 and ratified by the Board on September 17, 2024; (h) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the Franklin Fire in the County beginning on December 9, 2024, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on December 10, 2024; (i) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the territorial limits of the County exist at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall caused and/or exacerbated by the Board of State and Community Corrections’ order to immediately shutter Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall, the only available juvenile hall in the County, beginning on December 12, 2024, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on December 17, 2024; (j) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events in the County, beginning on January 7, 2025, as proclaimed on January 7, 2025 and ratified by the Board on January 14, 2025; and (k) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons exists on the basis of the winter storm in the County beginning February 12, 2025, as proclaimed by the Board on February 19, 2025 and ratified by the Board on February 25, 2025.
  39. Continued

    Discussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and any other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at the meeting of January 12, 2016.
  40. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023.
  41. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of issues related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016.
  42. Continued

    Discussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal and/or State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the meeting of January 17, 2017.
  43. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action taken by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as requested by Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17, 2017 and revised by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017.
  44. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board meeting of February 21, 2017.
  45. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017.
  46. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board meeting of April 30, 2019.
  47. Continued

    CONFERENCE REGARDING POTENTIAL THREATS TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES (Government Code Section 54957) Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency services representatives.
  48. Header

    Recommendation by individual Supervisors that the Board adjourn the meeting in memory of deceased persons and/or commemoration of ceremonial occasions.
  49. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 4 - Revenue and Finance Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 4 - Revenue and Finance, to increase the daily stipend paid to Grand Jurors from $60 to $80. INTRODUCE, WAIVE READING, AND PLACE ON AGENDA FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 12)
  50. Consent Calendar

    Motion for the Annual John Anson Ford Human Relations Awards Ceremony Parking Fee Waiver on March 20, 2025, in an Amount of $1,500, as submitted by Supervisor Solis.
  51. Consent Calendar

    Motion for the 45th Annual Bookmark Contest Reception Parking Fee Waiver on March 25, 2025, at an Estimated Amount of $2,000, as submitted by Supervisor Barger.
  52. On Agenda

    Telephonic Public Comment To address the Board during the live hybrid meeting call (877) 692-8955 and enter Participant Code: 4433663 starting at 9:00 a.m. Note: Connect up to 30 minutes before the meeting begins. The operator will take your name, item number(s) you wish to address and place you in a "listening-only" queue. Please listen carefully to the instructions on providing live testimony to the Board. You will need to press 1 then 0 to be moved into a "speaking" queue when the item(s) you wish to address is called. You will hear, "You are in queue." When it is your turn, the moderator will call your name and open your phone line. Note: Your line will be muted when your time expires, and you will be moved back to the "listening-only" queue. Note: If you press 1 then 0 twice, you will hear, "You are removed from the queue." If you are inadvertently removed, you may press 1 then 0 to be placed back into the "speaking" queue. For additional instructions and tips, please visit our website at: Call-in Instructions and Tips Listen Only To listen only by telephone call (877) 873-8017 and enter the access code when prompted: Access Code for English: 111111 Access Code for Spanish: 222222. Written Testimony Written public comments may be submitted through our website at: https://publiccomment.bos.lacounty.gov, which will become part of the official record.
  53. Failed

    Report by the Inspector General on Reforms and Oversight Efforts Report by the Inspector General on reforms and oversight efforts with regard to the Sheriff’s Department, as requested at the Board meeting of October 9, 2012, and updated on May 31, 2016. RECEIVE AND FILE
  54. On Agenda

    January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events Bi-Weekly Emergency Contracts Report Recommendation: Review the emergency actions ordered and taken by the Director of Internal Services, under delegated authority by the Board, acting as both the County and the Governing Body of various Districts, under Board Order No. 13-C of January 28, 2025, to respond to and recover from the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events, including the Palisades Fire, Eaton Fire, Hurst Fire, Kenneth Fire, and multiple other fires (LA County Fires) (1, 3, and 5) and actions enumerated in the aforementioned authorities (Actions), without giving notice for bids to let contracts, and determine that there is a need to continue the emergency Actions; find that there is substantial evidence that the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events continue to constitute an emergency pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050, which requires that immediate action be taken to cleanup and reconstruct public property, buildings, facilities, and infrastructure because the emergency does not permit the delay resulting from a formal competitive solicitation of bids and/or proposals to procure construction, materials, equipment and services for projects and initiatives necessary to respond to and recover from the LA County Fires; and find that authority should, therefore, continue to be delegated to the Director of Internal Services to amend or extend and supplement existing as-needed or on-call contracts without giving notice for bids to let contracts related to facilities and related support services, and to award new contracts for response to and recovery from the LA County Fires, and such contracts should be issued because they are necessary to respond to the emergency. (Internal Services Department) APPROVE 4-VOTES
  55. On Agenda

    January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events Bi-Weekly Emergency Contracts Report Recommendation: Review the emergency actions ordered and taken by the Director of Public Works, under authority delegated by the Board, acting as both the County and the Governing Body of various districts, under Board Order No. 13-C of January 28, 2025, to respond and recover from the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events, including the Palisades Fire, Eaton Fire, Hurst Fire, Kenneth Fire, and multiple other fires (LA County Fires) (3 and 5), including actions to repair or replace public facilities, actions directly related and immediately required by the emergency, and actions to procure the necessary equipment, services and supplies for such purposes (Actions), without giving notice for bids to let contracts, and determine that there is a need to continue the emergency Actions; find that there is substantial evidence that the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events continue to constitute an emergency pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050, which requires that immediate action be taken to cleanup and reconstruct public property, buildings, facilities, and infrastructure because the emergency does not permit the delay resulting from a formal competitive solicitation of bids to procure construction services for projects necessary to respond to and recover from the LA County Fires; and find that authority should, therefore, continue to be delegated to the Director of Public Works to amend or extend and supplement existing as-needed or on-call contracts without giving notice for bids to let contracts, and to award new contracts for response to and recovery from the LA County Fires, and such contracts should be issued because they are necessary to respond to the emergency. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES
  56. Consent Calendar

    CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Significant exposure to litigation (one case).
  57. Consent Calendar

    Motion for the Government Connections Networking Seminar Parking Fee Waiver on March 26, 2025, in an Amount of $2,400, as submitted by Supervisor Solis.
  58. Consent Calendar

    Proclaiming March 24, 2025 as "World Tuberculosis Day" throughout Los Angeles County; and instruct the Director of Public Health to commemorate World TB Day by participating in various activities, as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell.
  59. Consent Calendar

    Support for Governor Newsom’s Appropriations Request Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Barger: Support Governor Gavin Newsom’s February 21, 2025 letter to Congressional leadership to request $39,680,737,878 in support of recovery efforts in response to the January 2025 firestorms in Los Angeles County; and send a five-signature letter to Congressional leadership with a copy to the Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation.

Board Of Supervisors

Agenda Posted: February 6, 2025

Filters for matters
  1. Failed

    Fiscal Year 2025-26 Departmental Budget Presentations Pursuant to Section 25⅔ of the County Charter, as amended by the Measure G Charter Amendment (as approved by voters in the November 5, 2024, General Election), Department Head presentations to the Board of Supervisors by the following Departments of their Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget requests: Fire Consumer and Business Affairs Aging and Disabilities Animal Care and Control Medical Examiner Arts and Culture Human Resources *Presentations not completed are automatically continued to a future Departmental Budget Presentation meeting date.

    Erika Schwerdt, Rieley Cwang, Hector Ramirez, Jessica Martinez, Jacqulyn Llamas, Adele Andrade Stadler, Alfonso Jimenez, Carla Lopez, Amy Zhao, Yessenia Cux, Byron Jose, Brenda Olivas, Cecelia Ramos, Christian Lopez, Daniel Gonzalez, and other interested persons addressed the Board. Interested person(s) also submitted written testimony. Fesia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer, Anthony Marrone, Fire Chief, Rafael Carbajal, Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, Dr. Laura Trejo, Director of Aging and Disabilities, Marcia Mayeda, Director of Animal Care and Control, Dr. Odey Ukpo, Chief Medical Examiner, Kristin Sakoda, Director of Arts and Culture, and Lisa Garrett, Director of Personnel, made a presentation and responded to questions posed by the Board. Alexandra Valdes, Executive Director of the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission, Johan Julin, Assistant Director, Department of Human Resources, and David Korsak, Senior Analyst, Chief Executive Office, also responded to questions. Julia Kim, Deputy Fire Chief, and Adrian Li, Department Finance Manager III, Fire Department, Alfred Beyruti, Administrative Deputy, and Christina Huynh, Finance Manager, Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, Mike Tsao, Administrative Deputy, and Victoria Jump, Assistant Director, Community and Senior Services, Department of Aging and Disabilities, Whitney Duong, Administrative Deputy, Department of Animal Care and Control, Brandon Turner, Administrative Deputy, and Heather Rigby, Chief Deputy, Department of Arts and Culture, Maggie Martinez, Assistant Director, and Rodney Collins, Chief Deputy, Department of Human Resources, were also present. Supervisor Horvath instructed the Fire Chief, in collaboration with the Directors of Public Works, Regional Planning and Public Health, to report back to the Board in 14 days with a status on the rebuild from the Woolsey fire, including structures rebuilt, permitted or under construction, and properties where no actions have been taken; and the initial steps taken related to the Franklin fire. Supervisor Solis directed the Chief Executive Officer to report back to the Board at a Board meeting with a presentation on the strategic plan for the 2028 Olympics (LA28). After discussion, by Common Consent, there being no objection, the reports were received and filed; and the Fire Chief, in collaboration with the Directors of Public Works, Regional Planning and Public Health, were instructed to report back to the Board in 14 days with a status on the rebuild from the Woolsey fire, including structures rebuilt, permitted or under construction, and properties where no actions have been taken; and the initial steps taken related to the Franklin fire; and the Chief Executive Officer was directed to report back to the Board at a Board meeting with a presentation on the strategic plan for the 2028 Olympics (LA28).

  2. Filed

    The Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, and ex officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts, agencies and authorities for which said Board so acts, adjourned its meeting at 3:55 p.m. Absent was Supervisor Hilda L. Solis. The next Regular Meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.
  3. See Minutes SOP

    Video Link for the Entire Meeting

100+ new matters since 7 days ago

Filters for matters
  1. On Agenda

    Video for the entire meeting.


  2. On Agenda

    Presentation and Discussion on Recommendation to Approve and Adopt, LACAHSA Draft Baseline and Target Metrics and Public Engagement Process. a. Presentation on LACAHSA Draft Baseline and Target Metrics: i. Edwin Peart, Senior Associate, Global Policy Leadership Academy ii. Farzad Mashhood, Senior Associate, LeSar Development Consultants iii. Gabriel Speyer, Senior Principal, LeSar Development Consultants iv. Natalie Donlin-Zappella, Director, Global Policy Leadership Academy v. Ryan Johnson, Interim CEO, Los Angeles County Affordable Housing Agency b. Discuss Recommendation to Approve and Adopt LACAHSA Draft Baseline and Target Metrics: i. Approve and Adopt LACAHSA Draft Baseline and Target Metrics and Public Engagement Process.


  3. Filed

    Commemorative Book, Video, and Art Ad Hoc Committee (CBVA) Update, Commissioner Yi Ding, Chair.


  4. On Agenda

    Policy and Legislation Committee (P&L) update, Commissioner Dr. Stacy Claire Brightman, Chair.


  5. On Agenda

    Adjournment for the Meeting of Monday, March 10, 2025.
  6. On Agenda

    Opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission on items of interest that are within the jurisdiction of the Commission.


  7. On Agenda

    Commissioners’ Announcements on Commission related matters.


  8. On Agenda

    Women of the Year Committee (WOY) update, Vice President Irma Archuleta, Chair.


  9. On Agenda

    Sexual and Gender Diverse Women and Girls Committee (SGDW) update, Commissioner Dr. Bobbie Emetu, Chair.


  10. On Agenda

    Health Committee (HC) Update, Commissioner Julie Friedman, Chair.


  11. On Agenda

    Education Committee (EDU) Update, Treasurer Jennifer Baird Anderson, Chair. Resilience Scholarship Application Extended to March 28, 2025


  12. On Agenda

    Staff report on various items, and correspondence received.


  13. On Agenda

    President’s Report on various items, and correspondence received and the following: · Update on the LACCW Standing Committee Roster · Update on the LACCW 2024-25 Retreat Meeting Committee Goals o Updates due at the CW 3/10/2025 meeting o Annual Retreat to be held on July 14, 2025 · ACCW (Association California Commission for Women) Meeting update · NACW (National Association for Women) Update o NACW Annual Conference July 30-August 02, Oklahoma City · Mount Saint Mary’s University (MSMU) Update o The Status of Women and Girls in California 2024 Report, 14th Annual Conference, Friday, March 28,2025 at the Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles · California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls (CCSWG) Update o Hosted Webinar: “Governor Newsom and First Partner California for All Women Virtual Resource Webinar <https://women.ca.gov/event/california-for-all-women-webinar-with-governors-office-and-office-of-the-first-partner/>”, Thursday March 6, 2025 3:00pm-4:00pm · March 8, 2025 - International Women’s Day · March is Women’s History month - March 25, 2025, is Equal Pay Day · Race Justice Learning Exchange Financial Literacy, The Racial Wealth Gap · Update on the Natural disaster (Eaton Palisades Hurst Wildfires) · Resilience Scholarship Application Deadline Extended to March 28, 2025 · Call to Action (Commissioner In reach) regarding Resilience Scholarship Recipients Update o Letter to Scholarship Recipients - Complete o In reach assignment - In Progress o In reach complete by April 11, 2025, report out due April 14, 2025 Let’s take a moment to honor the incredible women who paved the way for us to be here today. Their dedication and hard work have made this possible. And to our Commissioners, thank you for your unwavering support.


  14. On Agenda

    Discussion and appropriate action regarding funding the printing of the Los Angeles County Commission for Women Commemorative Book, celebrating the Commission's 50-year anniversary and 40-year of the Women of the Year Awards Gala, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00.


  15. On Agenda

  16. On Agenda

  17. On Agenda

    Discuss and take possible action on updates from the Community Engagement Standing Subcommittee, including: a) community engagement guidelines; b) creating talking points for commissioners; c) a process for identifying community members to join the subcommittee; and d) an update on how the LGBTQ+ organization tracking document will be completed.


  18. On Agenda

    Call to Order and Welcome.
  19. On Agenda

    Los Angeles County Land Acknowledgment The County of Los Angeles recognizes that we occupy land originally and still inhabited and cared for by the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples. We honor and pay respect to their elders and descendants past, present, and emerging as they continue their stewardship of these lands and waters. We acknowledge that settler colonization resulted in land seizure, disease, subjugation, slavery, relocation, broken promises, genocide, and multigenerational trauma. This acknowledgment demonstrates our responsibility and commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation and to elevating the stories, culture, and community of the original inhabitants of Los Angeles County. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these ancestral lands. We are dedicated to growing and sustaining relationships with Native peoples and local tribal governments, including (in no particular order) the: Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation San Manuel Band of Mission Indians San Fernando Band of Mission Indians To learn more about the First Peoples of Los Angeles County, please visit the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission website www.lanaic.lacounty.gov
  20. On Agenda

    Roll Call.
  21. On Agenda

    Discussion and appropriate action on the creation of the Los Angeles County Commission for Women, Women of the Year Ad-Hoc Committee (WOY) not to exceed a one-year term, and appointment of Committee members to plan the 2026 WOY Gala.


  22. On Agenda

    Discussion and approval of an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, for the National Association of Commissions for Women (NACW) 2025 Conference to be held Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, July 30, 2025 to August 2, 2025.
  23. On Agenda

    Report on the Wage and Disparities of Black Women Former Commissioner Kelly Todd Griffith, CEO of the Black Women’s Collective


  24. On Agenda

    Updates from the Ad Hoc Subcommittee planning the 2025 Annual Retreat and discuss and take possible action including, but not limited to: date, time, and location.


  25. On Agenda

    Discuss and take possible action regarding activation areas identified by Ad Hoc Strategic Planning, Vision, Mission and Tenets Subcommittee and how Commissioners provide feedback on activation areas to County departments.


  26. On Agenda

    Discuss and take possible action on whether the Commission should support and/or participate in The Williams Institute LA County Wildfire Needs Assessment Project.


  27. On Agenda

    Discuss and take possible action about whether the Commission should support and/or participation in the October 2025 LGBTQ+ BIPOC writers’ event coordinated by the LA County Library Department and LA County Arts and Culture Department.


  28. On Agenda

    Discuss and take possible action on determining whether the Ad Hoc Commissioner Selection and Interview Process for At-Large Members Subcommittee fully accomplished its task and whether it should be discharged.


  29. On Agenda

    Call to Order, Roll Call
  30. On Agenda

    Land Acknowledgement
  31. On Agenda

    Moment of Silence
  32. On Agenda

    Matters not on the posted agenda to be placed on the agenda for discussion and action at a future meeting of the LGBTQ+ Commission.
  33. On Agenda

    Adjournment of the March 14, 2025, LGBTQ+ Commission meeting.
  34. On Agenda

    A-C - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 2 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  35. On Agenda

    Discuss and possible take action on updates regarding the Building Trust Summit.


  36. On Agenda

    Contractor Alert Reporting Database Status Report Memo - March 2025.


  37. On Agenda

    Discussion and take appropriate action on the 2025 Election of Officers for the Commission on Insurance.


  38. On Agenda

    Call to Order and Roll Call of the March 12, 2025, Commission on Insurance Special Meeting.
  39. On Agenda

    Matters not on the posted agenda to be discussed and (if requested) placed on an agenda for action at a future meeting of the Commission.
  40. On Agenda

    Opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission on items of interest that are within the jurisdiction of the Commission.


  41. On Agenda

    Adjournment for the Insurance Commission Special Meeting of March 12, 2025.
  42. On Agenda

    Discussion and take appropriate action on the February 6, 2025, Commission on Insurance Special Meeting minutes.


  43. On Agenda

    Discussion and take appropriate action on the November 6, 2024 Commission on Insurance Meeting minutes.


  44. On Agenda

    Panel discussion with the California Department of Insurance on what is being done to address the recent Eaton Canyon and Palisades fires to ensure safety and provide information on services to assist those affected as requested by the Los Angeles County Insurance Commission.
  45. On Agenda

    Audit Plan Assignments Currently in Progress/Next to Start - CCMD.


  46. On Agenda

    Report by Ex-Officio Members on activities during the months of February 2025 through April 2025.
  47. On Agenda

    Update on the Los Angeles County Wildfires and impact on the County's historic resources.
  48. On Agenda

    Presentation by (FILL IN BLANK), Regional Planner, Department of Regional Planning, on the draft (FILL IN BLANK) Historic Context Statement and Communitywide Survey.
  49. On Agenda

    Recommendation: Approve the January 25, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes.
  50. On Agenda

    Closing remarks and adjournment of the regular meeting of Friday, April 25, 2025.
  51. On Agenda

    Opportunity for members of the public to address the Historical Landmarks and Records Commission (HLRC) on items of interest that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the HLRC.
  52. On Agenda

    Matters not on the posted agenda, to be considered, and placed on the agenda at a future meeting of the Commission.
  53. On Agenda

    Call to Order and Roll Call.
  54. On Agenda

    Land Acknowledgment.
  55. On Agenda

    Code of Conduct.
  56. On Agenda

  57. On Agenda

    Matters not on the Posted Agenda to be Placed on the Agenda of a Future Meeting.
  58. On Agenda

    Public Comment.
  59. On Agenda

    Call to Order, Roll Call, and Land Acknowledgement.
  60. On Agenda

    Approval of the February 16, 2025 meeting minutes.


  61. On Agenda

    Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. XXXX, a Resolution of the Los Angeles County Second District Consolidated Oversight Board approving the Issuance of Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds by the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Hawthorne and authorizing certain related actions.


  62. On Agenda

    Audit Plan Assignments Currently In Progress/Next to Start - Audit Division.


  63. On Agenda

    LIBRARY - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, January 1 - June 30, 2024. 20 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  64. On Agenda

    Board Delegated Authority 20.010 - Property Assessment Correction, recommendation by the Assessor to approve changes and extend the sunset review date to June 30, 2029.


  65. On Agenda

    CCMD - Summary of Reports to County Departments - February 3 2025 through March 3 2025.


  66. On Agenda

  67. On Agenda

    LACDA - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 197 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  68. On Agenda

    The scheduled meeting of the Los Angeles Commission on Local Governmental Services for Tuesday, March 11, 2025, has been canceled. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, 2025. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the Commission at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or via telephone at (213) 974-1431.
  69. On Agenda

  70. On Agenda

    Administrative Matters Receive and File the February 10, 2025, Meeting Notes. Report back from Ad Hoc Committee Review, discussion, and appropriate action regarding the Domestic Breakfast Briefing. Schedule next VAWG Ad Hoc Committee Misc/Announcements Public Comment Opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee on items of interest that are within the jurisdiction of the Committee. Adjournment Adjournment for the Meeting of Monday, March 10, 2025.


  71. On Agenda

    Call to Order and Welcome. Roll Call. Los Angeles County Land Acknowledgement. The County of Los Angeles recognizes that we occupy land originally and still inhabited and cared for by the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples. We honor and pay respect to their elders and descendants past, present, and emerging as they continue their stewardship of these lands and waters. We acknowledge that settler colonization resulted in land seizure, disease, subjugation, slavery, relocation, broken promises, genocide, and multigenerational trauma. This acknowledgment demonstrates our responsibility and commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation and to elevating the stories, culture, and community of the original inhabitants of Los Angeles County. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these ancestral lands. We are dedicated to growing and sustaining relationships with Native peoples and local tribal governments, including (in no particular order) the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation San Manuel Band of Mission Indians San Fernando Band of Mission Indians To learn more about the First Peoples of Los Angeles County, please visit the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission website http://lanaic.lacounty.gov.
  72. On Agenda

    Call to Order and Welcome. Los Angeles County Land Acknowledgement. The County of Los Angeles recognizes that we occupy land originally and still inhabited and cared for by the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples. We honor and pay respect to their elders and descendants past, present, and emerging as they continue their stewardship of these lands and waters. We acknowledge that settler colonization resulted in land seizure, disease, subjugation, slavery, relocation, broken promises, genocide, and multigenerational trauma. This acknowledgment demonstrates our responsibility and commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation and to elevating the stories, culture, and community of the original inhabitants of Los Angeles County. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these ancestral lands. We are dedicated to growing and sustaining relationships with Native peoples and local tribal governments, including (in no particular order) the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation San Manuel Band of Mission Indians San Fernando Band of Mission Indians To learn more about the First Peoples of Los Angeles County, please visit the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission website lanaic.lacounty.gov.
  73. On Agenda

    Administrative Matters 1. Receive and File the December 9, 2024, Meeting notes. 2. Discussion and Review of ideas presented by Darcy Totten at the February 10, 2025, LACCW Meeting: · Girls Scouts Partnership · Leadership Development/Mentorship · Well-Being Index · other ideas raised? 3. Distribution for future discussion of possible policy focus area: · "What Schools Teach About Women’s History Leaves a Lot to Be Desired" from Smithsonian Magazine (2019) · Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics Report "A National Call to Action: Teaching Young People about Women’s Public Leadership and Promoting Public Leadership for Girls" (2015). 4. Distribution of excel contact sheet with California Commissions for Women (all public information) 5. Review and Discussion of Proposed First Draft of Agenda, Timeline and proposed Speakers/Topics. Public Comment 6. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee on items of interest that are within the jurisdiction of the Committee. Adjournment 7. Adjournment for the meeting of March 10, 2025.


  74. On Agenda

    Call to Order and Welcome. Roll Call. Los Angeles County Land Acknowledgement. The County of Los Angeles recognizes that we occupy land originally and still inhabited and cared for by the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples. We honor and pay respect to their elders and descendants past, present, and emerging as they continue their stewardship of these lands and waters. We acknowledge that settler colonization resulted in land seizure, disease, subjugation, slavery, relocation, broken promises, genocide, and multigenerational trauma. This acknowledgment demonstrates our responsibility and commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation and to elevating the stories, culture, and community of the original inhabitants of Los Angeles County. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these ancestral lands. We are dedicated to growing and sustaining relationships with Native peoples and local tribal governments, including (in no particular order) the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation San Manuel Band of Mission Indians San Fernando Band of Mission Indians To learn more about the First Peoples of Los Angeles County, please visit the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission website http://lanaic.lacounty.gov.
  75. On Agenda

    Administrative Matters 1. Receive and file the minutes for December 9, 2024. 2. Follow up with Health Deputies on integrating addressing the health-wealth gap in existing initiatives or workgroups. 3. In-person event on “Women’s Health & Economic Justice” May 21, 2025, at California Endowment. ● Agenda draft ● Proposed speakers ● Soliciting sponsors 4. Committee member updates on their organization’s projects and programs 5. Next meeting set for April 14, 2025. Public Comment 6. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee on items of interest that are within the jurisdiction of the Committee. 7. Adjournment for the meeting of March 10, 2025.


  76. On Agenda

    Call to Order and Welcome. Roll Call. Los Angeles County Land Acknowledgement. The County of Los Angeles recognizes that we occupy land originally and still inhabited and cared for by the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples. We honor and pay respect to their elders and descendants past, present, and emerging as they continue their stewardship of these lands and waters. We acknowledge that settler colonization resulted in land seizure, disease, subjugation, slavery, relocation, broken promises, genocide, and multigenerational trauma. This acknowledgment demonstrates our responsibility and commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation and to elevating the stories, culture, and community of the original inhabitants of Los Angeles County. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these ancestral lands. We are dedicated to growing and sustaining relationships with Native peoples and local tribal governments, including (in no particular order) the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation San Manuel Band of Mission Indians San Fernando Band of Mission Indians To learn more about the First Peoples of Los Angeles County, please visit the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission website http://lanaic.lacounty.gov.
  77. On Agenda

    Administrative Matters 1. Receive and File the February 10, 2025, meeting Notes. 2. Staff update regarding scholarship application. · # of applicants · Demographics · Districts 3. Letter to Supervisors. 4. Timeline for Resilience Scholarship. · Deadline March 28 · Reading timeframe · Identifying readers · Date for notifying recipients · Date for Ceremony · Location for Ceremony 5. HerStory Recipients. Public Comment 6. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee on items of interest that are within the jurisdiction of the Committee. Adjournment 7. Adjournment for the Meeting of Monday, March 10, 2025.


  78. On Agenda

    DRP - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 21 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  79. On Agenda

    DPR - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 5,228 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 1 High-Priority Findings


  80. On Agenda

    ME - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 0 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  81. Filed

    Video for the entire meeting.


  82. On Agenda

    TTC - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 17 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  83. On Agenda

    ASSESSOR - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 15 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  84. On Agenda

    BH - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 59 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  85. On Agenda

    Discussion and appropriate action on the creation of the Los Angeles County Commission for Women, Women of the Year Ad-Hoc Committee (WOY) not to exceed a one-year term, and appointment of Committee members to plan the 2026 WOY Gala.
  86. On Agenda

  87. On Agenda

  88. On Agenda

    NOTIFICATION: The meeting of the Youth Engagement Committee of the Los Angeles County Youth Commission scheduled for Monday, March 3, 2025, is cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2025. Should you have any questions or require additional information, contact Youth Commission Staff at (213) 633-5599.
  89. Filed

    Video for the entire meeting.


  90. Filed



  91. Filed

