Kansas City City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

2 agenda updates since 14 days ago


Webinar Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/89195928794

Filters for matters
  1. Filed

    Notice from the Villages Community Improvement District’s proposed April 30, 2026, budget.

    received and filed

  2. Passed

    Sponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Authorizing the Director of Water Services to execute a Water Supply and Sewer Services Agreement with Shalerock, LLC, for the development of an industrial facility generally located at or near the intersection of N.E. 48th Street and N. Arlington Avenue.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  3. Filed

    Notice from the 12th &Wyandotte Community Improvement District’s proposed April 30, 2026, budget.

    received and filed

  4. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2025A, of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, in a principal amount not to exceed $61,000,000.00; prescribing the form and details of said bonds; providing for the levy and collection of an annual tax for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on said bonds as they become due; and authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith, estimating and appropriating bond proceeds in various funds to record premium on sale of bonds; declaring the intent of the City to reimburse itself from the bond proceeds for certain expenditures; authorizing the Director of Finance to take certain actions in connection with the bonds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  5. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Authorizing the issuance of Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2025B, of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, in a principal amount not to exceed $15,000,000.00; prescribing the form and details of said bonds; providing for the levy and collection of an annual tax for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on said bonds as they become due; and authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith; increasing and appropriating revenue in the amount of $227,000.00.00 in the GO Series 2025B Question 2-2022 Bond Fund; authorizing the Director of Finance to take certain actions in connection with the bonds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  6. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Approving the issuance by the City of Kansas City Missouri of its special obligation bonds in more than one series (collectively, the “Series 2025 Bonds”), including a series of bonds to finance certain projects on a taxable basis with an estimated cost of $109,950,000.00, a series of tax-exempt bonds to finance certain projects with an estimated cost of $30,650,000.00 and a series of bonds to refund certain bonds of the City previously issued to refinance the downtown arena, such Series 2025 Bonds to be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $295,000,000; approving and authorizing certain documents and actions relating to the issuance of the Series 2025 Bonds; estimating and appropriating the proceeds of the sale of bonds in various funds; declaring the City’s intent to reimburse itself from bond proceeds; authorizing the Director of Finance to modify and close project accounts; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  7. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving a development plan also serving as a preliminary plat on about 13.18 acres in District B3-2 generally located at 8601 N. Madison Avenue to allow for retail, office, medical, and drive-through uses.. (CD-CPC-2024-00192)

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  8. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of the Aviation Department to enter into a $750,000.00 reimbursement agreement with The Kansas City Landsmen, LLC dba Budget Car and Truck Rental of KC for the relocation of operations and leased space within the Consolidated Rental Car Facilities at Kansas City International Airport.
  9. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of the Aviation Department to enter into a $220,000.00 reimbursement agreement with DTG Operations, Inc dba Dollar Rent A Car for the relocation of operations and leased space within the Consolidated Rental Car Facilities at Kansas City International Airport.
  10. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $3,702,158.00 construction contract with Abay Construction Inc., for the Water Main Replacement in the Area of W. 46th Street to W. 50th Street, Liberty Street to Main Street project; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $4,072,373.00.
  11. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $1,252,695.00 construction contract Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 9653 with SHEDIGS IT, LLC, for the Water Main Replacement in the Area of Wornall Road to Oak Street and W. 66th Terrace to E. 72nd Street project for a total contract amount of $6,927,225.00; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  12. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Public Works Department Accepting the U.S. Department of Transportation Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant in the Prospect Ave Safety Improvements project; estimating and appropriating $10,000,000.00 in the Capital Improvements Grant Fund; appropriating $2,500,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance in the Public Mass Transportation Fund; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  13. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Public Works Department Authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute Design Professional Services Amendment No. 7 with Benesch in the amount of $746,032.00 for a total contract price of $3,050,408.95 for the Front Street Improvements - North Chouteau Trafficway to North Topping Avenue Project; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  14. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Authorizing the collection of the annual special assessment imposed by the Westport Special Business District for FY24-25 and FY25-26; approving of uses of the revenues produced therefrom; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $90,000.00 in the Westport Special Business District Fund; re-estimating and re-appropriating the remaining uncollected revenues and unexpended and unencumbered appropriations to the 2025-26 Fiscal Year; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  15. Referred

    Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas and Councilmembers Melissa Robinson and Melissa Patterson Hazley COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Fully capitalizing Parade Park Homes Phase 1; authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with FC Parade Park LLC substantially similar to the attached Memorandum of Understanding; directing the Housing Trust Fund to provide a loan to FC Parade Park LLC for development of affordable housing; expressing the City Council’s support for an award of funds, through the normal application process, from the Central City Economic Development sales tax; reappropriating previously appropriated funds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  16. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities Reducing $2,218,888.02 of the appropriations in the General Obligation Bond Series 2023A Fund and reappropriating same for the purpose of reallocating GO bond project proceeds for entertainment facilities; reducing $5,750,000.00 of the appropriations in the General Obligation Bond Series 2024A Fund and reappropriating same for the purpose of aligning funding for entertainment facilities projects with the 2022 GO bond plan; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  17. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities Authorizing the Director of the Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department to enter into a $6,665,850.00 contract with Vazquez Commercial Contracting, LLC, for Kansas City Convention Center Exhibit Hall improvements; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $7,665,730.00.
  18. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Authorizing and directing the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $156,250,000.00 principal amount of Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2025A, of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, prescribing the form and details of such revenue bonds; authorizing certain actions and documents and prescribing other matters relating thereto; estimating and appropriating $2,045,000.00 in the Water Revenue Bond Fund Series 2025A; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  19. Referred

    Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Amending Chapter 48, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Section 48-51, Chronic nuisance, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter providing that membership of the Chronic Nuisance Board shall be comprised of employees of the City and Kansas City Police Department.
  20. Agenda Ready

    Sponsor: Councilmember Johnathan Duncan COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Providing for the temporary suspension of the Property Owner Support Program until the conclusion of certain litigation.
  21. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Amending Chapter 10, Code of Ordinances, Alcoholic Beverages, by repealing and replacing Sections 10-5 and 10-331 for the purpose of updating certain requirements for employees of liquor license holders.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  22. Held
    Special Action

    Sponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers RESOLUTION - Congratulating and recognizing Mr. Jerald Windsor on his retirement from the City of Kansas City, Missouri, and the work he accomplished in favor of the citizens of Kansas City, Missouri for over 34 years.

    Held on Docket

  23. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the plat of Davidson Farms 4th Plat, an addition in Clay County, Missouri, on approximately 13 acres generally located at the northeast corner of Northeast 76th Street and North Donnelly Avenue, creating twenty-seven (27) lots and one (1) tract for the purpose of a single unit residential development; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to facilitate the recordation of this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2024-00037)

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  24. Passed

    Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to expedite the hiring process for qualified federal employees applying for vacant City positions and to implement certain streamlining procedures.

    A motion was made that this Resolution be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  25. Referred

    Sponsor: City Manager’s Office Directing the City Manager to transition animal control operations from the City’s current contractor, Kansas City Pet Project, to the Neighborhood Services Department no later than December 31, 2025, and to cooperate with such contractor to facilitate a smooth transition of such responsibilities by providing contractor no fewer than 90 days’ notice of the date on which such contract will terminate and City staff will assume all animal control operations; reducing the contingent appropriation in the General Fund by $500,000.00; appropriating $500,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund for the purposes of hiring a manager of animal control services, negotiating equipment purchases, and public engagement efforts with residents and relevant stakeholders; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
  26. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Line Creek Valley Area Plan on about 2.84 acres generally located 600 feet north of the intersection of N.W. 64th Street and N. Chatham Avenue by changing the recommended land use from mixed use community to commercial. (CD-CPC-2024-00199)

    A motion was made that this Resolution be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  27. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 2.84 acres generally located 600 feet north of the intersection of N.W. 64th Street and N. Chatham Avenue from District B3-2 to District B4-3 and approving a development plan, also serving as a preliminary plat, to allow for a self-storage warehouse. (CD-CPC-2024-00197 & CD-CPC-2024-00196).
  28. Agenda Ready

    Sponsor: Councilperson Crispin Rea COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the Kansas City, Missouri, Classification and Compensation Plan, by repealing and reenacting Section 2-1104 for the purpose of adding prenatal leave.
  29. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the KCI Area Plan on about 16.8 acres generally located at the southeast corner of N. Congress Avenue and N.W. Cookingham Drive by changing the recommended land use from mixed use community to commercial/industrial. (CD-CPC-2024-00141)

    A motion was made that this Resolution be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  30. Agenda Ready

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 50 acres generally located at the southeastern corner of N. Congress Avenue and N.W. Cookingham Drive from District AG-R to Districts M2-1, B3-2, and R-5 and approving a development plan, also serving as a preliminary plat, to allow for the construction of industrial, commercial, and residential buildings. (CD-CPC-2024-00144 & CD-CPC-2024-00145).
  31. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough Rezoning an area of about 25.22 acres generally located at the southeast corner of East 135th Street and Wornall Road from District M3-5 to District UR and approving a development plan which also serves as a preliminary plat to allow for a mixed use development that includes residential, office, and manufacturing uses on three lots. (CD-CPC-2024-00156)

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  32. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 1.83 acres generally located on three separate properties within the Columbus Park UR District, specifically for Phase 1 approximately 80 feet north of the intersection of East 5th Street and Cherry Street; Phase 2 at the northwest corner of East 5th Street and Charlotte Street; and Phase 3 located north of East 4th Street where Campbell Street ends; from District UR to District UR and approving a development plan also serving as a preliminary plat to allow for 65 residential units. (CD-CPC-2024-00177)

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  33. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a $1,779,428.00 grant award amendment with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to provide funding for HIV case management and other services for persons living with HIV within the eleven county Kansas City, Missouri Transitional Grant Area; and estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $1,779,428.00.

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  34. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a one-year $419,678.00 contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for a comprehensive Disease Intervention Specialist Workforce program; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $419,678.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  35. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett RESOLUTION - Requesting the Mayor of Kansas City fill the commissioner positions to the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) from Platte and Clay Counties by the statutory panel selected by the respective county.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  36. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of Aviation to accept the proposal of Oshkosh Airport Products Inc., for the acquisition of aircraft rescue firefighting vehicles and equipment at an estimated cost of $1,739,840.00; authorizing the execution of all documents and agreements necessary for the acquisition; and designating requisitioning authority.

    referredto the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  37. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Authorizing the Director of Neighborhood Services to expend $487,600.00 from the Refugee and Immigrant Services Account in the General Fund pursuant to contracts with Della Lamb Community Services and Jewish Vocational Service of Kansas City to provide emergency housing assistance and case management services.

    referredto the Special Committee for Legal Review due back on 3/19/2025

  38. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a one-year $825,088.00 Ryan White HIV Emergency Relief Part A/ Minority AIDS Initiative Grant from the Department of Health and Human Services-Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); appropriating and estimating revenue in the amount of $825,088.00; designating requisition authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  39. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a $46,800.00 sub-award contract from the University of Missouri-Kansas City to evaluate the health benefits of healthy homes housing remediation; appropriating and estimating revenue in the amount of $46,800.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  40. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a $104,953.00 grant award from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services that funds a comprehensive HIV surveillance program in the Kansas City, Missouri area; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $104,953.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  41. Referred

    Sponsors: Councilmembers Johnathan Duncan, Wes Rogers, Crispin Rea and Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw, Andrea Bough RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to issue a Request for Qualifications/Proposals for the design of a Community Resource Center within sixty (60) days.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  42. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to work in collaboration with the Historic Northeast Coalition to coordinate strategies to prevent fires and the chronic outbreak of fires in the historic northeast of the City and its surrounding areas.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/18/2025

  43. Passed

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson RESOLUTION - Directing the KCATA to report to the City Council on the employment status of IRIS drivers, including certain specific factors.

    Move to Advance

  44. Passed

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson RESOLUTION - Directing the KCATA to report to the City Council on the employment status of IRIS drivers, including certain specific factors.

    A motion was made that this Resolution be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:


Webinar Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/89195928794

Filters for matters
  1. Passed
    Special Action

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Patterson Hazley RESOLUTION - Honoring the life and legacy of former Firefighter Carolyn Mitchell, June 9, 1951 - November 18, 2024.

    A motion was made that this Special Action be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  2. Filed

    Notice of Intent to accept the Industrial Development Contract proposal submitted by Kansas City Live, LLC, for the redevelopment of the Four Light Project in the Block 138 PIEA Area.

    received and filed

  3. Filed

    Notice from the Northland Gateway Community Improvement District’s proposed April 30, 2026, budget.

    received and filed

  4. Filed

    April - December 2024 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.

    received and filed

  5. Filed

    April - December 2024 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.

    received and filed

  6. Filed

    April - December 2024 - Accepting and releasing various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance and release, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance and release in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.

    received and filed

  7. Filed

    April - December 2024 - Accepting and releasing various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance and release, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance and release in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.

    received and filed

  8. Filed

    April - December 2024 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.

    received and filed

  9. Referred

    Sponsor: City Manager’s Office Directing the City Manager to transition animal control operations from the City’s current contractor, Kansas City Pet Project, to the Neighborhood Services Department no later than December 31, 2025, and to cooperate with such contractor to facilitate a smooth transition of such responsibilities by providing contractor no fewer than 90 days’ notice of the date on which such contract will terminate and City staff will assume all animal control operations; reducing the contingent appropriation in the General Fund by $500,000.00; appropriating $500,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund for the purposes of hiring a manager of animal control services, negotiating equipment purchases, and public engagement efforts with residents and relevant stakeholders; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  10. Passed
    Special Action

    Sponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough RESOLUTION - Declaring the week of February 24 through March 2, 2025, as National Eating Disorder Awareness Week throughout the City of Kansas City, Missouri.

    A motion was made that this Special Action be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  11. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing the Director of Water Services Department to accept a special warranty deed from Hunt Midwest Properties, L.L.C., for the future Todd Creek Facility Land Acquisition; appropriating $188,448.00 for the transfer; authorizing the Director of the Water Services Department to enter into a lease with Martin Marietta Materials Real Estate Investments, Inc., granting access to mineral rights for the existing Todd Creek Facility upon completion of the New Todd Creek Facility; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  12. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $3,054,685.69 design professional services contract Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 1587 with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., for the Todd Creek Facility Plan Update project for a total contract amount of $9,493,916.69; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  13. Passed

    Sponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Authorizing the Director of Water Services to execute a Water Supply and Sewer Services Agreement with Shalerock, LLC, for the development of an industrial facility generally located at or near the intersection of N.E. 48th Street and N. Arlington Avenue.
  14. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Authorizing the collection of the annual special assessment imposed by the Westport Special Business District for FY24-25 and FY25-26; approving of uses of the revenues produced therefrom; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $90,000.00 in the Westport Special Business District Fund; re-estimating and re-appropriating the remaining uncollected revenues and unexpended and unencumbered appropriations to the 2025-26 Fiscal Year; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  15. Passed

    Sponsor: City Manager’s Office COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a five year lease agreement with Aladdin Propco, LLC for 80 spaces in Auditorium Plaza Garage.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed as Substituted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  16. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of General Services Department Authorizing the Manager of Procurement services to execute contracts with PayByPhone US Inc., (EVP3574) to provide parking services to City customers; authorizing the Manager of Procurement services to amend and extend the contract; and waiving the Section 2-1615(c) requirement for daily deposits.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  17. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of General Services Department Authorizing the Manager of Procurement services to execute a contract with ParkMobile, LLC., (EV3517) to provide parking services to City customers; authorizing the Manager of Procurement services to amend and extend the contract; and waiving the Section 2-1615(c) requirement for daily deposits.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  18. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Consenting to the rate of front foot special assessment to be levied by the Union Hill Special Business District; consenting to the proposed uses of the revenues produced therefrom; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $65,000.00 in the Union Hill Special Business District Fund; re-estimating and re-appropriating the remaining uncollected revenues and unexpended and unencumbered appropriations to the 2025-26 Fiscal Year; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  19. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities Reducing $2,218,888.02 of the appropriations in the General Obligation Bond Series 2023A Fund and reappropriating same for the purpose of reallocating GO bond project proceeds for entertainment facilities; reducing $5,750,000.00 of the appropriations in the General Obligation Bond Series 2024A Fund and reappropriating same for the purpose of aligning funding for entertainment facilities projects with the 2022 GO bond plan; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  20. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities Authorizing the Director of the Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department to enter into a $6,665,850.00 contract with Vazquez Commercial Contracting, LLC, for Kansas City Convention Center Exhibit Hall improvements; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $7,665,730.00.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  21. Passed
    Special Action

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson RESOLUTION - Acknowledging and celebrating the legendary contributions of Bloodstone, a pioneering force in the evolution of R&B, soul, and funk music by declaring February 13, 2025, as Bloodstone Day in Kansas City.

    A motion was made that this Special Action be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  22. Passed

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson RESOLUTION - Calling for the adoption of the City’s economic mobility strategy for residents at the 400% Federal Poverty Level and directing the City Manager to develop and propose to the City Council a pilot initiative related to same; to engage an external vendor to collect data, collaborate with the stakeholders, including but not limited to, the Council, private and public funders, service providers, employers, and residents to implement an economic mobility strategy for the City; to identify and propose funding in the annual budget of the City in the amount of $250,000.00 for FY26 and $250,000.00 for FY27 for the project, and directing the City Manager to submit an initial and thereafter bi-annual reports on the implementation of this resolution to the City Council.


  23. Passed

    Sponsor: Councilperson Crispin Rea RESOLUTION - Authorizing the City Manager to execute a petition to establish the Crossroads Community Improvement District.

    A motion was made that this Resolution be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  24. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving a development plan on about 36 acres in Districts R-1.5, B2-2 and B4-3 generally located at N. Indiana Avenue and N.E. Barry Road to allow for residential and commercial development. (CD-CPC-2024-00184)

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  25. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Approving and authorizing the discharge of the special tax bills and waiver of the resulting liens on the real property commonly known as 4263 East 60th Terrace.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed as Substituted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  26. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving the ProspectUS Equitable Transit Oriented Development Strategic Plan along the Prospect Avenue Corridor between 75th Street to the south and 12th Street to the north, and along 12th Street between Prospect Avenue to the east and Wyandotte Street to the west. (CD-MISC-2023-00004)

    A motion was made by Councilmember Robinson, seconded by Councilmember Parks-Shaw, that this Resolution be Move to Amend.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  27. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving a development plan which also serves as a preliminary plat to allow for five residential townhomes in two phases on one lot, in District R-5, on about 0.73 acres generally located at the southeast corner of W. 49th Street and Sunset Drive. (CD-CPC-2023-00159).

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  28. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of Housing and Community Development Department Approving the Substantial Amendment to 2018-2021 One Year Action Plans to reprogram funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); approving the Substantial Amendment to the 2021 Action Plan for CDBG CARES Act funding; appropriating CDBG funding in the years of 2018-2021 in the amount of $5,181,166.00 and funding in the amount of $650,000.00 for CDBG CARES Act funding; authorizing the Director of Housing and Community Development Department to expend $5,831,166.00; authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute contracts; and amending the CDBG appropriation amounts of $3,938,245.47 and the revenue estimate amounts of $5,907,415.12, previously appropriated funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for CDBG projects.

    A motion was made by Councilmember Robinson, seconded by Councilmember Curls, that this Ordinance be Move to Amend.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  29. Passed

    Sponsor: City Manager’s Office COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Accepting and approving the recommendation of the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri, as to the termination of the Country Club Plaza Tax Increment Financing Plan and the termination of the designation of Redevelopment Project Areas 1, 7, and 8 described therein; acknowledging that the twenty-three-year statutory period for the capture of tax increment allocation financing within Project Areas 1, 2, and 3 has expired; declaring as surplus those funds within the special allocation funds established in connection with Redevelopment Project Areas 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8; dissolving the special allocation funds established in connection with Redevelopment Project Areas 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8; authorizing the distribution of such surplus funds; estimating and appropriating the sum of $2,900,000.00; and directing the City Clerk to send copies of this ordinance to Jackson County.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed as Substituted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  30. Passed

    Sponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Declaring a moratorium until July 16, 2025, on the approval of any zoning map amendments to a manufacturing (M) zoning district within the KCI Area Plan boundary during the KCI Area Plan update process.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed as Substituted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  31. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about .37 acres generally located at 629 W. 39th Street from District UR to District B3-2 so the site can be redeveloped. (CD-CPC-2024-00148)

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  32. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of the Aviation Department to enter into a $750,000.00 reimbursement agreement with The Kansas City Landsmen, LLC dba Budget Car and Truck Rental of KC for the relocation of operations and leased space within the Consolidated Rental Car Facilities at Kansas City International Airport.

    referredto the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  33. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of the Aviation Department to enter into a $220,000.00 reimbursement agreement with DTG Operations, Inc dba Dollar Rent A Car for the relocation of operations and leased space within the Consolidated Rental Car Facilities at Kansas City International Airport.

    referredto the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  34. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the plat of Davidson Farms 4th Plat, an addition in Clay County, Missouri, on approximately 13 acres generally located at the northeast corner of Northeast 76th Street and North Donnelly Avenue, creating twenty-seven (27) lots and one (1) tract for the purpose of a single unit residential development; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to facilitate the recordation of this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2024-00037)

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  35. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $3,702,158.00 construction contract with Abay Construction Inc., for the Water Main Replacement in the Area of W. 46th Street to W. 50th Street, Liberty Street to Main Street project; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $4,072,373.00.

    referredto the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  36. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $1,252,695.00 construction contract Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 9653 with SHEDIGS IT, LLC, for the Water Main Replacement in the Area of Wornall Road to Oak Street and W. 66th Terrace to E. 72nd Street project for a total contract amount of $6,927,225.00; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  37. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Public Works Department Accepting the U.S. Department of Transportation Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant in the Prospect Ave Safety Improvements project; estimating and appropriating $10,000,000.00 in the Capital Improvements Grant Fund; appropriating $2,500,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance in the Public Mass Transportation Fund; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  38. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Authorizing and directing the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $156,250,000.00 principal amount of Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2025A, of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, prescribing the form and details of such revenue bonds; authorizing certain actions and documents and prescribing other matters relating thereto; estimating and appropriating $2,045,000.00 in the Water Revenue Bond Fund Series 2025A; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  39. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Line Creek Valley Area Plan on about 2.84 acres generally located 600 feet north of the intersection of N.W. 64th Street and N. Chatham Avenue by changing the recommended land use from mixed use community to commercial. (CD-CPC-2024-00199)

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  40. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Public Works Department Authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute Design Professional Services Amendment No. 7 with Benesch in the amount of $746,032.00 for a total contract price of $3,050,408.95 for the Front Street Improvements - North Chouteau Trafficway to North Topping Avenue Project; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  41. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 2.84 acres generally located 600 feet north of the intersection of N.W. 64th Street and N. Chatham Avenue from District B3-2 to District B4-3 and approving a development plan, also serving as a preliminary plat, to allow for a self-storage warehouse. (CD-CPC-2024-00197 & CD-CPC-2024-00196).

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  42. Agenda Ready

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving a major amendment to a development plan on about 60 acres in District R-7.5 generally located on the north side of N.W. 108th Street approximately 1600 feet west of N. Green Hills Road to allow for the creation of 251 residential units. (CD-CPC-2024-00198)

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  43. Referred

    Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Amending Chapter 48, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Section 48-51, Chronic nuisance, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter providing that membership of the Chronic Nuisance Board shall be comprised of employees of the City and Kansas City Police Department.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  44. Agenda Ready

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about one acre from District R-2.5 to District M1-5 generally located at the northwest corner of East U.S. 40 Highway and Lewis Avenue. (CD-CPC-2024-00105).

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  45. Agenda Ready

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving an amendment to the Gashland/Nashua Area Plan on about 16.3 acres generally located south of Old N.E. Barry Road and on both sides of N. Cleveland Avenue by changing the recommended land use designation from residential low density to residential high density for a residential development. (CD-CPC-2024-00187)

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  46. Referred

    Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas and Councilmembers Melissa Robinson and Melissa Patterson Hazley COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Fully capitalizing Parade Park Homes Phase 1; authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with FC Parade Park LLC substantially similar to the attached Memorandum of Understanding; directing the Housing Trust Fund to provide a loan to FC Parade Park LLC for development of affordable housing; expressing the City Council’s support for an award of funds, through the normal application process, from the Central City Economic Development sales tax; reappropriating previously appropriated funds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

    referredto the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  47. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson Changing the name of Troost Avenue to Truth Avenue effective six months after passage of this Ordinance; reducing the Contingent Appropriation by $50,000.00 in the General Fund; appropriating that amount to the Public Works-Street Sign account of the General Fund; using the appropriated funds to change street signs and other markers along Troost Avenue once effective, directing the City Manager to engage residents, property owners, and community stakeholders about changing the name of N. Troost Avenue and to return to Council with feedback within eight months; and directing the City Manager to establish an archival program to ensure the preservation and history of the Troost corridor by working with residents, stakeholders, and preservation organizations to establish and implement the program.

    Move To Introduce

  48. Passed
    Special Action

    Sponsor: Councilmember Darrell Curls RESOLUTION - Honoring Kansas City’s Black employees and residents for their contributions to Kansas City, declaring Black History Month in Kansas City, and authorizing the City Manager to fly the Pan-African Flag.

    A motion was made by Councilmember Parks-Shaw, seconded by Councilmember Bough, that this Special Action be Move to Suspend Rules.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  49. Passed

    Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to expedite the hiring process for qualified federal employees applying for vacant City positions and to implement certain streamlining procedures.

    referredto the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee due back on 3/4/2025

  50. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving the ProspectUS Equitable Transit Oriented Development Strategic Plan along the Prospect Avenue Corridor between 75th Street to the south and 12th Street to the north, and along 12th Street between Prospect Avenue to the east and Wyandotte Street to the west. (CD-MISC-2023-00004)

    A motion was made by Councilmember Robinson, seconded by Councilmember Parks-Shaw, that this Resolution be Move to Advance.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  51. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving the ProspectUS Equitable Transit Oriented Development Strategic Plan along the Prospect Avenue Corridor between 75th Street to the south and 12th Street to the north, and along 12th Street between Prospect Avenue to the east and Wyandotte Street to the west. (CD-MISC-2023-00004)

    A motion was made that this Resolution be adopted as amended.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  52. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of Housing and Community Development Department Approving the Substantial Amendment to 2018-2021 One Year Action Plans to reprogram funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); approving the Substantial Amendment to the 2021 Action Plan for CDBG CARES Act funding; appropriating CDBG funding in the years of 2018-2021 in the amount of $5,181,166.00 and funding in the amount of $650,000.00 for CDBG CARES Act funding; authorizing the Director of Housing and Community Development Department to expend $5,831,166.00; authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute contracts; and amending the CDBG appropriation amounts of $3,938,245.47 and the revenue estimate amounts of $5,907,415.12, previously appropriated funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for CDBG projects.

    A motion was made by Councilmember Bough, seconded by Councilmember Robinson, that this Ordinance be Move to Suspend Rules.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  53. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of Housing and Community Development Department Approving the Substantial Amendment to 2018-2021 One Year Action Plans to reprogram funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); approving the Substantial Amendment to the 2021 Action Plan for CDBG CARES Act funding; appropriating CDBG funding in the years of 2018-2021 in the amount of $5,181,166.00 and funding in the amount of $650,000.00 for CDBG CARES Act funding; authorizing the Director of Housing and Community Development Department to expend $5,831,166.00; authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute contracts; and amending the CDBG appropriation amounts of $3,938,245.47 and the revenue estimate amounts of $5,907,415.12, previously appropriated funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for CDBG projects.

    A motion was made by Councilmember Robinson, seconded by Councilmember Curls, that this Ordinance be Move to Advance.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  54. Passed

    Sponsor: Director of Housing and Community Development Department Approving the Substantial Amendment to 2018-2021 One Year Action Plans to reprogram funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); approving the Substantial Amendment to the 2021 Action Plan for CDBG CARES Act funding; appropriating CDBG funding in the years of 2018-2021 in the amount of $5,181,166.00 and funding in the amount of $650,000.00 for CDBG CARES Act funding; authorizing the Director of Housing and Community Development Department to expend $5,831,166.00; authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute contracts; and amending the CDBG appropriation amounts of $3,938,245.47 and the revenue estimate amounts of $5,907,415.12, previously appropriated funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for CDBG projects.

    A motion was made that this Ordinance be Passed as Amended.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  55. Passed
    Special Action

    Sponsor: Councilmember Darrell Curls RESOLUTION - Honoring Kansas City’s Black employees and residents for their contributions to Kansas City, declaring Black History Month in Kansas City, and authorizing the City Manager to fly the Pan-African Flag.

    A motion was made by Councilmember Parks-Shaw, seconded by Councilmember Bough, that this Special Action be Move to Advance.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  56. Passed
    Special Action

    Sponsor: Councilmember Darrell Curls RESOLUTION - Honoring Kansas City’s Black employees and residents for their contributions to Kansas City, declaring Black History Month in Kansas City, and authorizing the City Manager to fly the Pan-African Flag.

    A motion was made that this Special Action be Adopted.. The motion carried by the following vote:

  57. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson Changing the name of Troost Avenue to Truth Avenue effective six months after passage of this Ordinance; reducing the Contingent Appropriation by $50,000.00 in the General Fund; appropriating that amount to the Public Works-Street Sign account of the General Fund; using the appropriated funds to change street signs and other markers along Troost Avenue once effective, directing the City Manager to engage residents, property owners, and community stakeholders about changing the name of N. Troost Avenue and to return to Council with feedback within eight months; and directing the City Manager to establish an archival program to ensure the preservation and history of the Troost corridor by working with residents, stakeholders, and preservation organizations to establish and implement the program.

    referredto the Special Committee for Legal Review due back on 3/18/2025

10 new matters since 7 days ago

Filters for matters
  1. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Amending Chapter 10, Code of Ordinances, Alcoholic Beverages, by repealing and replacing Sections 10-5 and 10-331 for the purpose of updating certain requirements for employees of liquor license holders.


  2. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Authorizing the Director of Neighborhood Services to expend $487,600.00 from the Refugee and Immigrant Services Account in the General Fund pursuant to contracts with Della Lamb Community Services and Jewish Vocational Service of Kansas City to provide emergency housing assistance and case management services.


  3. Referred

    Sponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett RESOLUTION - Requesting the Mayor of Kansas City fill the commissioner positions to the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) from Platte and Clay Counties by the statutory panel selected by the respective county.
  4. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a $104,953.00 grant award from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services that funds a comprehensive HIV surveillance program in the Kansas City, Missouri area; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $104,953.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.


  5. Referred

    Sponsors: Councilmembers Johnathan Duncan, Wes Rogers, Crispin Rea and Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw, Andrea Bough RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to issue a Request for Qualifications/Proposals for the design of a Community Resource Center within sixty (60) days.
  6. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a $46,800.00 sub-award contract from the University of Missouri-Kansas City to evaluate the health benefits of healthy homes housing remediation; appropriating and estimating revenue in the amount of $46,800.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.


  7. Referred

    Sponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a one-year $419,678.00 contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for a comprehensive Disease Intervention Specialist Workforce program; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $419,678.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.


  8. Filed

    Notice from the 12th &Wyandotte Community Improvement District’s proposed April 30, 2026, budget.
