The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.3 Enhance a regional comprehensive transportation system
Award Summary:
Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation 2024-0514 Sun Metro Electric Paratransit Vehicle Charging Stations to AAA General Contractors, LLC for a total estimated award of $2,000,000.00. This project will consist of the reconfiguration of the Sun Metro LIFT Facility parking lot at 5081 Fred Wilson Avenue, El Paso, TX, to accommodate 25 dual Level 2 Electric Vehicle chargers and 45 Electric Vehicles, including trench excavation, electrical and communication upgrades, pavement repair, restriping, and the installation of bollards, panelboards, transformers, and IT infrastructure.
Department: Capital Improvement
Award to: AAA General Contractors, LLC
City & State: El Paso, TX
Item(s): All
Contract Term: 204 Consecutive Calendar Days
Base Bid I: $2,000,000.00
Total Estimated Award: $2,000,000.00
Account(s): 560-3250-60050-580270-P6018-SMFY24CAP
Funding Source(s): Federal Transit Administration.
District(s): 3
This was a Competitive Sealed Proposal Procurement unit price contract.
The Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department and Capital Improvement recommend award as indicated to AAA General Contractors, LLC the highest ranked offeror based on the evaluation factors established in the evaluation criteria for this procurement.
It is requested that the City Manager be authorized to establish the funding sources and make any necessary budget transfers and execute any and all documents necessary for execution of this award.
Work under this unit price contract is only an estimated value and will be ordered, performed, invoiced, and paid by measured quantity. The actual cost of this contract may be higher or lower than the total estimated value and will be the sum total of unit prices at the end of the contract term.
As a part of this award, upon the review of the City Attorney, the City Engineer may without further authorization from City Council approve contract changes which are necessary for proper execution of the work and carrying out the intent of the project, which are in accordance with applicable law, do not make changes to the prices and are within the appropriate budget.
A motion was made by Board Member Fierro, seconded by Board Member Canales, to Approve the item. The motion carried by the following vote:
Updated 3.5.2025 6:24:32 PM UTC